B4 808 -- standalone vs. in LPX -- different sounds

Kirtland Peterson
Kirtland Peterson Member Posts: 27 Member

Aloha from Honolulu,

I'm selecting B4 808 sounds. When I'm running through B4 possibilities I click on samples, the samples sound great.

Let's say I like the sound associated with C1.

I then create my MIDI, with C1 triggering the sound I want…

But the sound is completely different now that it's in a LPX track.

All the character is gone.

What am I doing wrong?





  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,395 mod

    It's hard to say what could be happening here. Can you share a specific example, what kit exactly you are loading? What if you try the sale in Battery in standalone? Have you tried with different velocities?

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