KOMPLETE KONTROL - Browser is not visible

schnubbi Member Posts: 7 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

Hello there,

after I installed KOMPLETE KONTROL and opend it I missed the red outlined view (Browser, Library Pane):

I use KOMPLETE KONTROL 3.2.1 opend in Reaper, but the problem is also in the standalone version.

I have read in the documentation that there is a way to turn on and off this ui to control it only by hardware. This option can be toggled in preferences, but the tab hardware in preferences is also not shown in my software. I am a little bit confused how I can display this view. On my view it only looks like this after I load the plugin:

I read every forum I found and testet every button I found. I have read the komplete kontrol docu from the 2. and 3. part.

I reinstalled: Nativ Access, KK, Kontakt ..

Can someone explain me this behaviour?

Thanks and best regards,


Best Answer

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,222 mod
    edited July 2024 Answer ✓

    This is Komplete Kontrol 3 which has a different (arguably not as good) arrangement where the browser and plugin views are interchangeable rather than side by side as they were in Komplete Kontrol 2, which is what your first shot is from

    Click on the Library icon to the left of the patch name to switch views and open the browser



  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,222 mod
    edited July 2024 Answer ✓

    This is Komplete Kontrol 3 which has a different (arguably not as good) arrangement where the browser and plugin views are interchangeable rather than side by side as they were in Komplete Kontrol 2, which is what your first shot is from

    Click on the Library icon to the left of the patch name to switch views and open the browser

  • schnubbi
    schnubbi Member Posts: 7 Member

    Hey Kymeia,

    thank you very much for your very fast answer. The button you described only toggles the library view to the plugin view, right? And If I get you right, the view with both, library and plugin ist not longer avaiable in komplete kontrol 3? Then I will go back to version 2 if it is possible, cause this was one of my core features in usablity and overview.

    Best regards.

  • schnubbi
    schnubbi Member Posts: 7 Member

    For those who came later (Only in german):


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,222 mod

    You're not the only one who thinks that way, as long as you don't have a MkIII keyboard you should be OK

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,028 Expert

    Yeah, we literally need like 10,000 people to comment on how stupid this design choice was so they actually listen, seems posting on the forums isn't ever taken serious. The current V3 software is in no way designed by people that actually used KK for years prior and is the number one thing (other than the missing sub banks and terrible layout of the actual preset list being both truncated and spaced out to show even less than before) stopping me from even installing it on my machine.

    Alas tho, based on both past experiences and the current state of the release cycle, I would hold little hope to see any of this improve any time in the future.

    Except there are still major issues in KK V2 like the fact literally half the VST3 plugins out there don't show a GUI in KK when you load in a DAW like Ableton (on Windows). No idea if that is still an issue with V3 (probably is) but it was reported as an issue over 2 years before V2 EOL which again shows the care NI have for feedback, bugs and issues with their software. Slim chance it will be addressed in V3 but zero chance to ever see it fixed in V2 now so even staying on V2 is problematic for some.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,222 mod
    edited July 2024

    I think the Live bug was fixed in 3 but can’t verify that as I’m on Mac

    So yeah the downside of going back is bugs that probably won’t get fixed in that version

  • Chilled
    Chilled Member Posts: 34 Member
    edited July 2024

    Unfortunately I loaded Komplete Kontrol 3.2.1. I am heavily invested in many Freelancesoundlab NKS libraries that I love (Falcon, Cherry, Spectrasonices, etc.). Thank goodness I do have a Machine MK3 because everything from Freelancesoundlabs works great. I definitely cannot say the same for using KK 3.2.1 in Ableton Live 12. I have Mac. I do use a Launchkey 37 Mk3 for now because I do not trust the new Kontrol S49 Mk3 keyboards or KK at this point. The loss of "subgroups" is mind bogglingly stupid omission on NI's part. I wonder if the project manager actually uses the product for a living as do many of us.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,028 Expert

    The loss of "subgroups" is mind bogglingly stupid omission on NI's part. I wonder if the project manager actually uses the product for a living as do many of us.

    Doubtful, wouldn't imagine anyone that actually uses KK for the intended purpose would have allowed it to release like it is. Like most large companies, what we end up with ia due to the demands of investors wanting a greater injection of profits which almost always causes things to be rushed to market to fill a hole and nothing about the MK3 and KK V3 release speaks otherwise to this from my experience.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,222 mod

    The loss of sub banks is annoying but I do think this is a bug rather than a conscious decision, for 2 reasons. Firstly some banks do still have sub banks, it mainly affects banks for third party plugins but it doesn’t affect Reaktor sub banks for example. Secondly even the MKIII still has space in the keyboard screen GUI for sub banks, which reassures me it wasn’t removed just to make room for other things or to fit the new screens. So it does need us users to keep reminding NI this needs fixing but I’m hoping the fix will be part of the long promised return of full or even improved NKS editing in KK3 (but I don’t expect that till after the current round of work on the MIDI firmware improvements have been completed)

  • schnubbi
    schnubbi Member Posts: 7 Member

    Now after I switched back to version 2nd I found so many bugs where I don't see before that now I using version 3. and accept the current status.🤔

  • Chilled
    Chilled Member Posts: 34 Member

    I truly hope you're right. While I do have a lot of NI Komplete Instruments I tend to go with Falcon and I do have a great many "expansions" so the sub bank is critical for my work. I would love to be able to upgrade from my launchkey 37 mk3 to the Kontrol Mk3 when all is in alignment and more matured.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,028 Expert

    And what bugs did you find as an example. I know of really only 2 bugs, lots of missed opportunity but stability and resource wise, V2 is far ahead of V3. WOuld be interested to know what this load of bugs are.

  • schnubbi
    schnubbi Member Posts: 7 Member

    It started with the inability to load plugins, after several reinstalls, moves and rescans many plugins were not displayed or could not be loaded. But anyway, I will use the new version. It's a big change for my workflow, but for now it's the more stable choice.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,658 mod

    @JesterMgee I understand you continue to be frustrated at features missing from KK 3.3, that KK 2.9 had.

    But please do not equate that with the experience of all users, or any carte blanche statement on stability and the presence of bugs.

    Indeed, as @schnubbi experienced – for many users a significant number of the stability and bug issues have been solved in the transition from KK 2.9 to KK 3 (v3.3 as of today).

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,658 mod

    You are correct! It was fixed for any user who chose to update since March.

This discussion has been closed.
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