GR6 - Understanding macros

Stuart Park
Stuart Park Member Posts: 26 Member
edited October 2024 in Guitar Rig & FX


I am using and assigning macros (all in conjunction with midi assignments using Behringer FCB1010 pedal board) with reasoable comfort but there are some basics I simply do not understand that I hope somene can help me with. I will list a few questions:

  1. I don't understand the regular use of the word "global" in the documentation when talking about macros and MIDI assignments. If I assign one macro within one preset to, for example, a midi note value of 45 will it retain that assignment across all presets?
  2. Say I assign a macro to the on-off switch on a wah component within a preset, then clearly this will have no relevance to another preset that has no wah component but can I get that macro to do a different job on a separate preset. So would I be correct in saying in this context, the macro is NOT global?
  3. Can the same macro have a different name for each preset?
  4. If I export a preset, do the midi assignments, macro names and the functions performed by those macros get exported with the preset?
  5. If I have always have the 'Preset Volume' visible in EVERY preset and I want to assign its volume slider to, for example, "Control 8" for all presets do I have to repeat the assignment in every preset?
  6. What are the Global MIDI controls in the context of the 'Save Global MIDI controls as default' function and what are the implications of NOT using this option? For example, I use two pedals for moving up and down between presets and so would these be classed as global? I don't believe I have ever specifically saved these.

If I can get answers to some of these questions I might start to understand the behaviour better. Thanks in advance.


Best Answer

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,308 mod
    Answer ✓

    Global - cause the midi assignment to a midi controller is the same through all presets - maybe that is a better explanation


  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod


    did you see the Macro section in the onilne manual?

    Does this help?

  • Stuart Park
    Stuart Park Member Posts: 26 Member

    I did thanks but I'm afraid I don't find it clear.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,308 mod


    you can assign the same global macros (bottom) across all presets, let´s say in preset one knob one is mapped to amp vol, then you switch the preset, now the same knob controls delay time, next preset it may control flange speed or whatever. Then there are containers with own macros, they are not global, and only control stuff within that container, containers are useful if you have a working chain, maybe a master chain, that you want to insert into many of your own presets. then you don´t have to load all the devices one by one and mapp it every time, you just load the container. And you can then quickly assign global macros to container macros for example, that also makes thing much easier cause behind one macro there can be several controls. Hope that makes sense.

  • Stuart Park
    Stuart Park Member Posts: 26 Member

    Thanks for the reply. OK so, as I now understand it, despite the word "global", in the macros context, the macros are independent in each preset or in any container within the preset. Is it therefore safe for me to assume that the answers to my remaining questions are as follows:

    Q2 It depends upon your interpretation of the word "global" but changing assignments to component controls in one preset has no effect on any other preset.

    Q3 Yes you can name macros by double clicking the text below the control and this will have no effect on names assigned to the same control in other presets.

    Q4 Yes macro data will be exported with each preset.

    Q5 Yes because changing the macros in one preset has no effect on others.

    Are you able to confirm for me that I have answered my own questions correctly and therefore interpreted your response correctly. I think my main problem was fairly straightforward in that I assumed "global" somehow meant "applies to all presets" but it does not. To be honest I'm still not sure why the word "global" is used at all but thanks.

    I don't think Q6 has really been answered?

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,308 mod
    Answer ✓

    Global - cause the midi assignment to a midi controller is the same through all presets - maybe that is a better explanation

  • Stuart Park
    Stuart Park Member Posts: 26 Member

    Ok agreed that makes more sense thanks.

This discussion has been closed.
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