Does NI have plans to release a new Synth? (MASSIVE Y)

stancualbertstefan Member Posts: 7 Member
edited October 2024 in Massive X & Synths

Whit the release of phase-Plant, Serum, Vital, Pigments, we all can agree that they had success because of 3 things:

  • Sound
  • Workflow
  • GUI

At this moment we have Massive X, the successor/ reincarnation of OG Massive, but how it stands in comparison with the previous mentioned:

  • Sound? (CHECK) - from my use it sounds AMAZING, it's really massive and have a great sounding even on lower octaves (that's how I test a synth algorithm)
  • Workflow (CHECK) - kind of, with he symbols embedded in the UI, it's not the most intuitive, but it does have a workflow, its much faster than Phase-Plant I would say, and even Serum and Vital, and by that I mean, you can get a FAT RICHER sound faster then the ones compared.
  • GUI (CHECK - in comparison with OG Massive) - if we could do Reaktor GUI we definitely can with MASSIVE Y, but definitely need more QoL improvements and visuals, of course.

    That being said, does NI are baking a new synth? cause I feel they are so close to rip everything apart, if they check al the other boxes previously mentioned.

Best Answer

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 546 Guru
    Answer ✓

    So if you read other posts on the forum, from NI Staff members, they've said that while they can't say anything right now, they are not leaving the synth business.


  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,405 Expert

    I'd rather want to see NI keep improving MASSIVE X instead of creating a new iteration of it 🤷‍♂️

    None of us can know if they're secretly "baking a new synth" in the background because NI usually doesn't talk about upcoming releases in advance. It's either surprisingly out there tomorrow or not.

  • stancualbertstefan
    stancualbertstefan Member Posts: 7 Member

    I totally agree with you, better upgrading Massive X, but the process seems so slow for them, and this doesn't seems to be their focus.

    Even if I saw some discussion on this forum, the admin saying they are actively Updating Massive X, but the updates seems to focus more compatibility issue, not even quality of life…what to say about new features

  • oobe79
    oobe79 Member Posts: 152 Advisor

    No, they’re not.

  • MorrisEd
    MorrisEd Member Posts: 166 Pro

    Highly doubt they will be releasing anything new.

  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 564 Pro

    "I'd rather want to see NI keep improving MASSIVE X instead of creating a new iteration of it 🤷‍♂️"

    Indeed. Would be ridiculous if they released a successor now. And, highly unlikely as well, considering that Massive X obviously wasn't a big commercial success for them.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    Hard to say, but guessing based on the fact that NI has abadoned Super8 synth VST and has returned to its older brother created as Reaktor ensemble version… It does not seem to me very probable there is new VST synth in development….

    But we might see soon, Komplete 15 is behind the doors. If NI keeps its cadence of Komplete releases.

  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 564 Pro
    edited July 2024

    I really hope that they will still work on Massive X. That's all I'm asking for really.

  • stancualbertstefan
    stancualbertstefan Member Posts: 7 Member

    And there is not that much to work on, with few updates on developing the followings:

    1. Wavetable editor
    2. Creating more visual feedback (for example on changing wave table position in tandem with having an indication of range modulation in color rims)
    3. They on the current layout, they can add many effects, and not affect the workflow.
    4. Maybe adding a sampler/granulizer?! I am asking too much here🤭

    Overall please tell me if you agree with what I'm going to say next:

    -Even if we ask many features on the same synthesiser, we have all these features separately on native instruments komplete bundle for example:

    Visual representation of additive synthesis in REAKTOR

    Sampler/granulizer: in FORM

    No needing for wave table editor because we have so many synths:

    • Massive
    • Massive X
    • Super8
    • Realtor
    • Fm8
    • Rounds
    • Reaktor

    NI can't canibalise heir other product by making a one stop synth, I guess.

    What is your opinion on that?!

    Do we deserve a one stop synth,or trying to buy 8+ synths?

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 546 Guru
    Answer ✓

    So if you read other posts on the forum, from NI Staff members, they've said that while they can't say anything right now, they are not leaving the synth business.

  • stancualbertstefan
    stancualbertstefan Member Posts: 7 Member

    That might be de anser to the question, I guess.

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