Berlin Woodwinds do not appear in Kontakt 7 in Cubase but appear in standalone Kontakt 7

dmitry-kabanov Member Posts: 8 Newcomer
edited October 22 in Kontakt


I got Orchestral Tools's Berlin Woodwinds recently.

They appear in the library in the standalone Kontakt (version is 7.10) and can be loaded and played.

However, when I try to use them in Cubase (12 Pro), Kontakt 7 does not show this library!

I've tried to add the folder in Settings (cog button) explicitly and pressed "Update" but it did not help.

Does anyone know how to fix it?

Side note: in Rosetta mode one can use Berlin Woodwinds (one instruments needs about ~2.5 GB, while the M1-native Kontakt version has a memory bug with max memory 1 GB. NI guys, do you plans to fix this?


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,020 mod


    have you checked the versions, you can click on "about" under "help" or something like that.

  • dmitry-kabanov
    dmitry-kabanov Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    Hi Uwe, I am not sure what it means. Which particular version should I check?

  • dmitry-kabanov
    dmitry-kabanov Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    Ah, indeed, was a very silly mistake :-) I accidentally loaded Kontakt 6 instead of Kontakt 7. Thank you!

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