Why can't I listen to/play all added instruments by just clicking on them in the Multi-Rack?

AFK7 Music
AFK7 Music Member Posts: 5 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

This has been one of the few reservations I've had for using Kontakt. It feels like extra work to only be able to play or listen to the multi-rack instruments by having to lay them down on their on respective channels/tracks within a DAW. I'd like to be able to preview the sounds of the instruments on the fly. I know I formed this as a question, initially, but I've wondered if it had been a concern of other users so I guess it's more of a discussion at the same time.

For example: after I insert Alicia's Keys as the first instrument, and then decide to add Thrill as the next, audible preview/keyboard priority stays with Alicia's Keys, until I make the proper channel assignments between my DAW (Cakewalk, for example) and Kontakt. I hope this makes sense.


Best Answer

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod
    Answer ✓

    That's normal, because when you load Thrill it's set to MIDI channel 2. But virtual keyboard is by default focused on the first loaded instrument. Click on Thrill's instrument header so that it gets an orange frame, then virtual keyboard will focus to it.


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