Kontakt 5.8.1. Player 32-bit-computer

per99 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

Hello, I just downloaded the legacy Kontakt (player) version 5.8.1. since I'm on an old 32-bit laptop, since my new laptop has disappeared.

It's a bit hard to understand if this is the Player version, or the full one. https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000568949-Kontakt-Player-Legacy-Installers-for-Older-Operating-Systems Anyway: I managed to download a legacy version of Access, as well, so now maybe Kontakt will work, possibly …

But the big question is: how can I download the FREE FACTORY CONTENT ??? I have searched and I have Googled, but I just can't find the answer. Anybody who knows?

Maybe - just maybe - I have the free factory content as some kind of zip file on an old external harddrive. Would it be possible to "import" from there, if I can find it?


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,401 mod

    Here's the old Kontakt Factory Selection: KFS 1.2.0

    The Palyer version is the free one. Full or free, it's the same software, only your licence will change the status.

  • per99
    per99 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thanks for your reply, @Jeremy_NI. But I can't see the option to choose the free (Player) version. There are three options, as you can see in the screenshot: Demo, Buy or Activate (activate Kontakt 5 it seems, and not Kontakt 5 Player).

    I did actually manage to install Factory Content from the Kontakt 4 version, which seems to work together with Kontakt 5 (demo). Maybe I can render/export from an already created midi-file in demo mode?

    The link you gave me, does it lead to the Factory Content connected with Kontakt 5 (or is it the same)?

    But I'd still like to know how to install (or register) the 5 player version. It says: Kontakt 5 (Player) if you follow the link at the bottom, and that's where I downloaded from.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,401 mod

    Yes, my link is the Kontakt Factory Selection, the free bundle that came with Kontakt 5 Player, the free version.

    If you installed the content for the paying version of Kontakt 4 then you'll get this demo message unless you own Kontakt 4.

    With Kontakt 5.8.1 you would need to run Native Access, possibly an older version: Native Access Legacy Installers for Older Operating Systems

    If that doesn't work, unfortunately we can't really help more. Komplete 7 Players is a discontinued free software suite.

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