S88 for live with different MIDI channels

cug Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

I've read previous posts and don't see a clear answer to this question. I see in the S88 mk3 manual, in MIDI mode, "The keys send MIDI Note messages and MIDI Key Pressure messages (polyphonic aftertouch) on MIDI channel 1."

This would be a replacement of my main controller (PC88) to use live with Apple MainStage. I need to be able to change the transmitted MIDI channel quickly between songs. Can I use the 8 buttons above the screen to select the transmit channel? I need all pedals and wheels to follow the MIDI channel of the keyboard. (Or maybe have one extra switch pedal that is always on it's own channel.)

I've read here that I can use the KK app to create templates with different MIDI channels but it's not clear if I need to interact with the app directly to switch channels or if I can do it from the face of the S88 after it is setup. I don't want to have to switch to another app while MainStage is running and I can't go diving into menu pages to scroll through the MIDI channel selection. In my live shows, I sometimes have less than a second to change instrument sounds.



Best Answer

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Midi channel switching from the keyboard should (and I underline SHOULD) be coming in future. At the moment it is not possible.

    There are anyway other methods to have the keyboard playing different instruments depending on what you need, through softwares on the computer. Even if the keyboard is always sending on the same midi channel, the software can allow to change the instrument played by that midi channel


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Midi channel switching from the keyboard should (and I underline SHOULD) be coming in future. At the moment it is not possible.

    There are anyway other methods to have the keyboard playing different instruments depending on what you need, through softwares on the computer. Even if the keyboard is always sending on the same midi channel, the software can allow to change the instrument played by that midi channel

  • cug
    cug Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thanks, apparently the S88 is not as versatile as I need for live performance. It seems quite functional as a studio keyboard. I will have to keep looking.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    You’re welcome.

    Although I’m not a big fan of the direction chosen lately by NI, I wouldn’t say S88 is more focused on Studio vs Live…

    I would put the spotlight more on the “has it been released too soon and not ready?” aspect…

  • djgravano
    djgravano Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Hello it is possible to set the mini channel on the keyboard komplete kontrol m88 MK2 without connection through a computer?

  • digital-dave
    digital-dave Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    IMHO the hardware MIDI implementation on the S88 mk3 is a bit rubbish. OK it may be great to control software synths etc but I have a number of hardware synths all MIDI'd up and only being able to send from the S88 on channel 1 is a pain. As soon as the PC is powered up MIDI out stops working until Kontrol software is started or the USBC cable is removed - switching to "manual" on the S88 still doesn't enable the MIDI. In comparison I have a vintage GEM S3 turbo (made way back in 1992 !) this has 2 totally independent hardware MIDI "engines" each has its own in/out/thru (6 DIN connectors). For a few pennies saved surely more MIDI connectors could have been fitted with better control from the S88 keyboard ?

  • digital-dave
    digital-dave Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Oh btw the 1992 GEM S3 turbo has polyphonic aftertouch …

  • digital-dave
    digital-dave Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Found the answer - it's on the "How to create custom MIDI Templates with Kontrol S MK3" page.

    "Why can't I send MIDI out via the 5 pin DIN port at the same time as using MIDI over USB?"

    • This is a current limitation due to timing and sync issues.
    • You can use either MIDI via DIN or USB, but not both simultaneously.
    • We hope to resolve this in future.

    So you either need the PC powered off (or USBC unplugged) or ensure Komplete Kontrol is running and the MIDI IN/OUT is configured in the software (Edit→preferences→MIDI)

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