Kontrol 2024 outlook: what was, what now, what next?



  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,026 Guru
    edited March 2024

    Well, as a new user of an S88MK3 and and old user of an S49MK2 and very happy with both, I'll add my perspective to this discussion, as well as inputs.

    First and foremost, having spent all my working life in commercial product development, I clearly understand what @Matthew_NI is trying to accomplish here and I truly applaud the effort. I've been retired for a number of years and I could only wish we'd had the same facilities you have here to help us focus on our product development priorities and timelines. As frustrating as the noise is, at least you can hear it all and make your own decisions about directing priorities, and so far I'm personally impressed with how you've kept your focus on what's going to best benefit the future of the product over the short term.

    I guess my perspective is going to be slightly different in that I see and understand what MK3 represents. It's basically a new and architecturally different approach to the MK line by placing more intelligence and processing capabilities in the unit which is much more consistent and efficient with modern design philosophies and should pay much greater benefits over time. I also recognize that because this is a new architecture the capabilities will have to build over time after release, and I find that incredibly exciting.

    That's why I'm not alarmed at all by things like the "missing" side by side browser operations of the MK2. I'm perfectly capable of navigating either. But I would advocate after the first appearance of the more exotic and interesting things like MIDI templates and such, that your team can spend some focus time on UI improvements. I can do everything I need to do with the MK3, but it's not always the most intuitive or efficient. Maybe the following cycle of development can give that more priority.

    I kind of see where you may need to follow similar product development trends in the industry and split some effort into major release and maintenance release cycles in the future. There's so much potential in the MK3 I think you want to give it it's own due consideration for smaller improvements versus bigger improvements.

    However I'm very impressed with what you've been able to do so far with the unit. For myself it's pretty bulletproof in production and I'm looking forward to the next couple of years.

  • Duffcat
    Duffcat Member Posts: 44 Helper
    • “Yes, it's true that Mute and Solo replaced Select. That's been more useful to more people, but we have on our backlog a minor improvement to allow Select with a Shift+ modifier.“

    on that note @Matthew_NI it would be much more useful for Solo to be the default click instead of ‘mute’

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    THANK YOU! That is the clarity of answer I had been needing to hear to have a better understanding of some decisions and direction. It is very helpful information to more properly advocate for future possibilities.

    I was a strong voice against the prior side-by-side design for the "crunched into a space" issue you mention. I really, really, really don't like it and much prefer the new browser layout of KK3.

    BUT.. I do miss the simultaneous viewing of browsing and instrument. NOT for the drag & drop abilities, but rather for auditioning presets and seeing how the parameters change on the instrument panel. If my found preset group is within one instrument, clicking thru the preset and seeing the desktop screen representation of the 8 macro knobs gives me a sense of direction in further tweaking a sound to my personal needs.

    And I like to do this on a whim with or without my keyboard attached. Laptop + headphones + comfy location is how I roll most of the time. That makes an always available on-screen keyboard necessary too.. to dink around with the sound a bit.

    How rare a bird am I? Heck if I know.

  • CatWhiskers
    CatWhiskers Member Posts: 2 Member

    One thing I would love to see is a collaboration between toontrack for ez drummer and superior drummer tracks just for key colors. If I could load a toontrack product and have the key colors match as they would with a NI product that would really be the greatest thing in the world.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,701 mod

    Certainly, introducing single AND double tap would be ripe for unintentional error.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,701 mod

    NKS support would have to come from Toontrack. NKS is open to it and to them!

  • Duffcat
    Duffcat Member Posts: 44 Helper

    Think DOUBLE tap would make most sense. Single tap would definitely be prone to error if accidentally touching an adjacent know.

  • Duffcat
    Duffcat Member Posts: 44 Helper

    @Matthew_NI could you clarify if a tap function on the knobs is currently considered by the development team?

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,701 mod

    @Duffcat @Kymeia let me follow up with our designers on this matter. Stay tuned.

  • Duffcat
    Duffcat Member Posts: 44 Helper

    Thank you @Matthew_NI. While at it, could you possibly inquire about having Kontrol DAW focus linked to DAW GUI focus? What I mean by that is selecting a track in MK3 DAW by grabbing a knob should also have the DAW switch focus to that track. I believe that is the way Mackie Control and other consoles function.

  • MyStudioOne
    MyStudioOne Member Posts: 283 Pro

    More than anything else, I guess I am just struggling with trying to come to terms with the notion that A,M and MK2 keyboards are fully supported. But there is certainly no benefit to debating it endlessly, that is for sure.

    I certainly acknowledge that MK3 is vastly different from its predecessors and I therefore cannot expect the same functionality on my existing keyboards. And I do not.

    On the other hand, you've clearly acknowedged the MK2 userbase as being by far the largest user base for years to come. And you have also now communicated that you feel it is important to keep that userbase as happy as reasonably possible considering the the move to an entirely different platform. So thanks for that.

    Could you then elaborate a little on whether there are any goals moving forward with respect to maintaining the general satisfaction of the pre-MK3 userbases that are "fully supported?" In other words, do you maintain a sidebar roadmap that is focused on the older keyboards and how they fit into the picture over the next few years while you build up the MK3 userbase? I am just curious.

  • Duffcat
    Duffcat Member Posts: 44 Helper
    edited March 2024

    while on this topic, an idea for a tap function may be that ‘tap and hold’ could give us a menu as it does in the browser. For example:

    -set to default

    -link to knob#

    -link to mod wheel (this way we could create macros on the fly) etc.

    This would expand expressive possibilities exponentially!!!

  • SSquared
    SSquared Member Posts: 6 Member

    Absolutely why I said I have hope. Sorry, I did not mean anything negative. I was actually trying to be positive. I wasn't really saying it for myself, but more in the vein of it may not be coming in the timeline people are wanting, but it's on the roadmap so keep up hope. It will be coming.

    Good to know there are some thoughts regarding selecting tracks. I had originally been told both yes and no regarding an update to that feature. I can also see how single click for mute/solo is super helpful and why customers want that. Some type of mode allowing single-click for track selection will be very helpful.

  • PreacherAtArrakeen
    PreacherAtArrakeen Member Posts: 23 Member

    Will the mK2 keyboards work with Sonoma? Can you confirm that the mK2 will be supported through v.3?


  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,701 mod

    MK2 is already Sonoma compatible, since the launch of KK 3.2.

    MK3 will be compatible once an Apple-side issue affecting the combination of Kontakt and MK3 has been resolved.

This discussion has been closed.
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