Session Percussionist drag and drop?

cheesesteeak Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

I just bought Session Percussionist and have only played with it a little. The answer to my question may be obvious but I don't see it. How do I drag and drop (or cut/paste) a clip that I like to a track on my daw (Reaper)? Every other NI product that I have allows me to do that but I don't see a way to do that with Session Percussionist. I've read the manual and watched a number of youtube videos but they all seem to only talk about the sounds you can create but I've seen nothing on how to get the sounds into my daw. I found that I can hold C0 down on my keyboard while recording in my daw and get the clip to record on my track but that just seems counterintuitive especially on my 32 key keyboard.

Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    edited March 2024 Answer ✓

    Since there is no drag and drop, you can simply play and record the patterns you have programmed or loaded and assigned to the keyswitches with your keyboard or draw the notes in your DAW. From the manual:

    Each player has a dedicated octave on your MIDI keyboard: The octave starting with C1 controls player 1, the octave starting with C2 controls player 2, etc. In addition, the lower octave starting with C0 triggers all instruments together.

    Each octave is split as follows:

    • Keys C to E trigger five different rhythmic patterns.
    • Keys F to A trigger single hits (or notes) in up to five different articulations.
    • Keys A♯ and B trigger up to two different rolls.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @cheesesteeak Not all NI libraries have a drag and drop feature. Session Percussionist does not have this feature.

  • MGo11
    MGo11 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    @Jeremy_NI how does one record a Session Percussionist groove into a Pro Tools session?

    I can't find any answer on this in the manual. Appreciate any pointers.

  • THParker64
    THParker64 Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    @Jeremy_NI I have the same issue. How do I get my session percussion track into my DAW. I use Ableton Live. I wish Seeion Percutionist had the drag and drop feature.. will it be added, is there a work-around? Many thanks! - Todd

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    edited March 2024 Answer ✓

    Since there is no drag and drop, you can simply play and record the patterns you have programmed or loaded and assigned to the keyswitches with your keyboard or draw the notes in your DAW. From the manual:

    Each player has a dedicated octave on your MIDI keyboard: The octave starting with C1 controls player 1, the octave starting with C2 controls player 2, etc. In addition, the lower octave starting with C0 triggers all instruments together.

    Each octave is split as follows:

    • Keys C to E trigger five different rhythmic patterns.
    • Keys F to A trigger single hits (or notes) in up to five different articulations.
    • Keys A♯ and B trigger up to two different rolls.

  • MGo11
    MGo11 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    @Jeremy_NI thanks for the reply. It's not the easiest way to use the product. I'm curious why the design choice not to include the drag and drop option.

    Unless I'm misunderstanding the concept of assigning the keys...

    I don't have a midi keyboard. Can I still assign the keys to the "Instrument Track" in Pro Tools?

    If so, how? : )

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    Well, I'm not 100% sure and I'll ask about it but I think it's due to the possibilities of the sequencer in Percussionist, you can have any kind of division in there, like quintuplets, sextuplets, whatever you choose, so probably some DAWs will struggle with this:

    Without a keyboard you'll have to draw the notes in your DAW, you can see the keyswitches on the onboard keyboard of Kontakt.

  • MGo11
    MGo11 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    @Jeremy_NI Appreciate the clarification on this. This solution seems like a work-around option and as I'm sure you know, it is a quite time consuming one. : )

    There has got to be a simpler way to use this with direct DAW implementation.

    Is there an update we can expect?

    Or any reason why the drop-down option cannot be implemented in this app?

  • cnunes
    cnunes Member Posts: 1 Member


    Thank you for your answers.

    I was considering to buy Session Percussionist right now. It seems to be a very interesting production tool. Unfortunately, as you mentioned, not all NI sequencing tools have the drag & drop midi patterns included. I'm convinced, as a Audio Product Manager, this is a NInstruments huge mistake.

    The point is that not everyone wants to work exclusively with loops. Sometimes, some offbeats and rhythmic accidents are needed.

    I can thing of some of the reasons not to provide this tool, but …. All of them seems to strategic and somehow box focused rather than user consistently focused.

    I like NI instruments but I'm not a dogmatic brand addicted person and you should consider that competition is on the run.

    For ethical reasons, I won't mention in this forum some competing tools that could be considered as alternatives, but they are out there.

    Please, let me know when you have an update to provide this feature so I can buy this Session Percussionist and update some of your other products.

    I thank you in advance on behalf of all NI community


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @cnunes I'm forwarding your comments to the responsible team. Thanks for laying it out so clearly.

  • mikec73
    mikec73 Member Posts: 9 Member

    that totally sucks it doesn't have drag and drop midi !! I want to return because of that !

  • dennisvh
    dennisvh Member Posts: 3 Member

    I agree with @cnunes It's an absolute great plugin but for every sequencer that's build-in to a plugin the midi conversion (especially exporting) is pretty mandatory. By drag and drop or by file. For many such a feature would make or brake the use and purchase of this plugin. Which is a pitty because the sound is great and the whole system is well thought through and flexible from a percussionist point of view. @Jeremy_NI hope you can give us any positive updates from the responsible team.🤞

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    Unfortunately it's not going to be implemented in the near future.

  • SIBA_11
    SIBA_11 Member Posts: 19 Member

    that unfortunate @Jeremy_NI . I was strngly considering buying this product as I own lots of N.I. Plugins but this is a serious downer. No drag and drop in the near future. Really. Not buying it then…

    Thats a must in 2024. Quintuplets or not, who is gonna use those odd meters? 🤔 Honestly. Who are your clients that use 5/4 meters. I agree you should have that opp but then those folks should have to find a workaround to odd meters. The amount of extra work that it represents to bounce each separate instruments while muting the Others, waiting for the bounces of each percussion instrument… thats a lot of wasted time when its 2025 and app are suppose to cut down your workarounds to spend more time creating and N.I. Doesn’t think of that aspect when releasing a new instruments… that crazy and N.I.released this instrument already more than a year ago…

  • mikec73
    mikec73 Member Posts: 9 Member

    Session Percussionist would be a top seller if it had that feature because it sounds phenomenal !

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