Choir Omnia: Sound flaters when recording

ArneBerg1987 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

Hello every one,

I use NI-Products for creating demo-Tracks of my compositions. Now I use Choir Omnia (on Kontakt 7) first time. When playing - everything is fine. BUT... when recording - the Sound flaters - Kontakt shows the CPU-workload, it is only between 8% und 30% (most time round about 13%). I guess, It can not be a problem of CPU-Capacitys (especially because there are no problems, when just listening).

Some days ago, I had this Problems also with other Samples - i use most samples of Symphony Series, Giant, some Samples of orchestral Factory Lib and so on. It was very annoying. I experimented a lot and it seems to cause this kind of problems, when using Choir Omnia. When Choir Omnia is used, than this problems are there and seems to strikes all instruments. Then it seems to be constructive, to change the devise-Setting of Audacity (I will explain in detail in next passage) to an another value and than back to normal value [Cable Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)] - then it seems to work again for (most?) other samples. But - not for Choir Omnia.

Now some Informations of my system:

i) I use Finale 26 as DAW (it enables to write and Print scores and sheet music)

ii) I use Native Instruments Kontakt-Player 7 as stand-alone-Version (Komplete 14 Collectors edition)

iii) But to send the MIDI-Data from Finale (DAW) to Kontakt (Samples) I have to use a virtual Audio Cable (I use LoopMIDI by Tobias Erichsen)

iv) It is neccessary (at least I never found an alternative way) to set the windows soundsettings to “Line 1 (Virtual Audio Cable)” in the Playbacksetting-Menue.

v) than I start Kontakt with

a) Driver: Wasapi (exclusive mode)

b) It seems to need an another virtual AudioCable to send the Sound to Audacity.

I use as Device: VB Audio virtual Cable

vi) Than I start Finale and set its MIDI-Out in this way to send the Midi-Data via VirtualAudioCable to Kontakt

vii) Starting Audacity. Settings:

a) Host: Windows WASAPI (Driver???)

b) device: Cable Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)

These are the settings which normaly works. I never found an alternative way for using Kontakt as stand-alone-Version to use it with Finale. And now, recording of other Instruments works, but of Choir-Omnia-Sounds fails.

BUT: Some days ago, I had this Problems also with other Samples - i use most samples of Symphony Series, Giant, some Samples of orchestral Factory Lib and so on. It was very annoying. I experimented a lot and it seems to cause this kind of problems, when using Choir Omnia. When Choir Omnia is used, than this problems are there and seems to strikes all instruments. Then it seems to be constructive, to chance the devise-Setting of Audacity to an another value and than back to Cable Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable) - then it seems to work again for (most?) other samples. But - not for Choir Omnia.

Best regards and thanks alot, I would be very happy, If someone could help me.

Till later


Best Answer

  • ArneBerg1987
    ArneBerg1987 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
    Answer ✓
    Hello again, inspired by your input (thank you very much for that!) did I start again to experimentate with Choire Omnia, Audacity, Kontakt and my MidiPiano and finale... I dindn't find a solution - but I find a side way which seems to work (as a kind of makeshift or expedient...) - for now it enables me to work on my project, but I have to find a real solution - it is to laborious to change after every step a lot of sets...

    My working way for now is:

    I experimented with my midi-Piano and recorded it by Audacity. I started an empty Kontakt-Set and took all 4 voices of Choir omnia. Now, there were only this 4 Instruments (Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Basses). I see it works. This constellation should be fine, So i startet finale and setted everything, that finale just send the Choir-Midi-Data to kontakt. Than I setted the sample- and recording-rate to 44100 and try some recordings. It works. But for that I needed to arrage a new templet and changed Settings of finale and so on. For now - it anables me to continue to work, but it is not a good workflow and to complicated as an generel way.

    Maybe we find real solutions

    Best regards


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    Unfortunately Kontakt 7 is only available as an AU or VST3 plug-in and Finale does not support VST3. This doesn't make it easy for you.

    What do you mean by "the sound flaters", do you mean, it's quiter? dull? out of tune?

    The only thing I can think of would be to make sure that all the audio applications, as well as the system output all are set to the same sample frequency.

    Hopefully we have more Finale users in here that can share their tips!

  • ArneBerg1987
    ArneBerg1987 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
    Hallo Jeremy, thanks alot for your answer! I tried to put an audio-file here in this message, but it don't seem to be possible. I try to discribe it better: in a high frequence (I guess round about 6 times per second) there are little noises. The Melody can be heard, bur it sounds as it is interrupted again and again for some milliseconds. Like a little electrical crackling - a little sizzling/cracking noise - little spatters of Interruptions.

    I will check that all applications have the same frequency (it meens sample rate?) - I setted it at 44.000 - but I check again, whether there is something changed. Thank you very much! And thanks alot for the information, that Kontakt is only avaible as an AU or VST3 and Finale doesn't support - good to know. I am lucky that there were no problems before. It is strange - to listen to it, when playing - there are no problems... just when recording... I am going to check the sample rate.

    Best regards and thanks alot
  • ArneBerg1987
    ArneBerg1987 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
    Answer ✓
    Hello again, inspired by your input (thank you very much for that!) did I start again to experimentate with Choire Omnia, Audacity, Kontakt and my MidiPiano and finale... I dindn't find a solution - but I find a side way which seems to work (as a kind of makeshift or expedient...) - for now it enables me to work on my project, but I have to find a real solution - it is to laborious to change after every step a lot of sets...

    My working way for now is:

    I experimented with my midi-Piano and recorded it by Audacity. I started an empty Kontakt-Set and took all 4 voices of Choir omnia. Now, there were only this 4 Instruments (Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Basses). I see it works. This constellation should be fine, So i startet finale and setted everything, that finale just send the Choir-Midi-Data to kontakt. Than I setted the sample- and recording-rate to 44100 and try some recordings. It works. But for that I needed to arrage a new templet and changed Settings of finale and so on. For now - it anables me to continue to work, but it is not a good workflow and to complicated as an generel way.

    Maybe we find real solutions

    Best regards
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