Strummed Acoustic 2 et. al. many times silent

DDD Member Posts: 5 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

macOS (Intel) Big Sur Logic Pro

Seeing / hearing strange behaviour with Strummed Acoustic 2.

Normally you would hit a key on the piano and it starts playing the pattern. The problem is that sometimes it just plays nothing. Open the auto chords and it's not highlighting the key.

Switch to different guitar sample within Strummed Acoustic 2 and it might work as I expect.

Switched to Strummed Acoustic 1 and seeing the same issue. Also just tried Picked Acoustic and the same issue. A couple of times the first play of the sample after the switch of instruments seemed to play, but not reliably.

During this the playing effects (in the yellow zone) are audible, the blue zone is silent.

Switch to a different track / Instrument in Logic - works perfectly.

Logic is showing receipt of the MIDI note - so there isn't a comms issue between the keyboard and the DAW.

Waiting for the top progress to show that the sample is fully loaded.

So I'm seeing something weird with all the strummed guitar Instruments that I've not seen in the past.

Anybody experienced the same issue? Is it a new bug?


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,314 mod


    i never experienced that issue with strummed acoustic or any of the other guitar libraries. Maybe you can send me a midi file and tell me the preset you use. Then i can try it at least in cubase. Maybe your some of the notes are too short, the guitar libraries playing in sync and so it can take a short while after pressing a note for the sound to play, as far as I remember.


  • DDD
    DDD Member Posts: 5 Member

    Thanks Uwe

    I was actually playing live, so I don't think the MIDI file would show any difference.

    I did just total reinstall of the sample. The Native App failed so had to manually try the ISO (on Mac).

    But that didn't fix the problem.

    A specific issue that I'm seeing is for Strummed Acoustic.

    If AutoChords is enabled you can play with the mouse by pressing the keyboard keys and you can hear the sample strumming as you would expect.

    Working from the top of the list.

    3-4 Patterns work fine - can click any of the virtual keys on the panel and you hear the sound.

    6-8 Patterns took longer to load the first time but is silent. The key red highlight doesn't stay. So something is failing and not allowing the sound to play.

    Backbeat doesn't play

    Brit Pop does play.

    In both screen shots I've pressed once on the C/Ab key. 6/8 is silent and not holding the red highlight, Brit Pop keeps playing.

    So there are issues with specific samples.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,314 mod

    The problem might be that you play a loop in your daw and everytime your daw jumps back kontakt stops playing and you have to trigger the notes again, even if you set "keep playing" under the playback tab. But anyway this function might help you, go to the playback tab and set latch mode to "keep playing".


  • AlexLipsius
    AlexLipsius Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Did you ever find a solution to your problem - I seem to have the same :(

  • Kelly Wamboldt
    Kelly Wamboldt Member Posts: 8 Member

    I’m experiencing the same issue. Reinstall Kontact 7, Kontact, and KKontrol. Not fixed. Strummed acoustic 2 plays fine in standalone version of Kontact 7. When I use Reaper DAW, no guitar sound. MIDI signal is getting to instrument. Chords are even being displayed. Help.

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,031 Guru

    I suspect this behavior may be more related to your computer configuration than the library. Everything in all presets works for me and all load almost instantaneously. That signals your computer is struggling to get things loaded and there may be latency issues that are precluding certain things from playing.

    I'm on a Windows 10 computer with 16mb of memory and all SSD drives so that leads me to think you may be a bit underpowered in some way. I'm also using Ableton which might make a difference.

  • Kelly Wamboldt
    Kelly Wamboldt Member Posts: 8 Member
    edited April 2023

    Had the same issue. Keys played in the blue zone were not being pressed on the screen keys but yellow and red were working. Samples missing in the standalone version. Files Resolved and....nothing. I want using a template which worked for one song but, not another. Then, I noticed a little error message in my DAW with either the older Kontakt 6 or 7, can't remember.

    "Tempo too slow, patterns cannot play, please switch to half time or double time."

    Switched to double time, Blue keys are getting pressed. Issue resolved!

  • jeffdavis0704
    jeffdavis0704 Member Posts: 7 Newcomer
    Same issue. Based on Kelly Wamboldt's post I tested and found that some samples will not play at lower bpm. I had a song at 63 bpm and I got silence on over half of the patterns. By bringing the bpm to 65 or higher it works. I think I saw something in the docs about most samples adjusting well within a particular range. Didn't realize that outside of the range it would be silent. If my findings are correct it seems like something NI could have answered here 2 years ago
  • Raphael J.
    Raphael J. Member Posts: 4 Member

    I have encountered a persistent issue involving a combination of Reaper and the Session Guitarist libraries.

    When working on a project, everything is instrumented correctly, but upon returning to the session, the guitars fail to play. The MIDI data is received, and the Session Guitarist libraries display the chords, yet there is no sound. While reloading the libraries sometimes resolves the issue, it is not a consistent solution.

    This problem has persisted since my initial purchase of a Session Guitarist library. Despite reinstalling the libraries, the issue remains unresolved.

    It is frustrating that the libraries cannot be fully loaded into PC RAM, as is possible with other libraries, allowing them to play from there instead of having to be played in DFD (Direct from Disk).

    The root cause may be the PC scanning the hard disks where the libraries are stored.

    This is particularly disappointing given that my system has sufficient RAM to handle far more demanding tasks.

    @Native Instruments: Please address and resolve this issue!

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,314 mod

    sorry for the late reply, i tested again in cubase 12 pro and everything works fine, no mater if i play live or use the sequencer.

This discussion has been closed.
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