Battery4 1xStereo 15xMono no longer supported?

robgwin Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Battery 4

Migrating my Logic plugins to a new Mac and ran into a nasty Battery 4 problem: I've been in the habit for years of using the "1xStereo 15xMono" version of the plugin, and this appears to have been removed from the required latest version (4.2.0) which means Logic can't load it. It says: The plug-in named "Battery 4" of type "0 - 17" isn't available on your system.

I tried opening it on my old computer and changing it to a supported type, but that completely resets the kit and deletes all my output channels. So the only recovery path I can see is to open it on the old computer, save out the kit and write down my output routings; then open it on the new computer, start a new Battery channel with the same number of outs, manually copy over all my channel effects, etc, load the kit, manually reassign all the output routings.

...and repeat for TONS of projects 😭

Posting this desperate plea to see if anyone has a better idea for how I can upgrade these sessions. Or maybe if someone from NI reads this they might consider adding 1xStereo 15xMono back in the next release?


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,190 mod

    Hey @robgwin Have you opened Battery 4 in standalone on your new computer and chose the custom audio outputs ?

    If you open now your old Logic projects, do you get the same issues ?

    What version were you using before on your old computer ? I've tried 4.1.6 and I can only see these available in Logic:

    Since you have a M1 computer, are you using Logic in Rosetta mode ? How to Open Your DAW Using Rosetta

    Did you give Full Disk Access to Battery 4 and Logic ? How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

  • robgwin
    robgwin Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Thanks for the thoughtful reply @Jeremy_NI

    Version on old computer is, here's what I see:

    I guess maybe the options were changed in 4.1.6?

    Changing Audio Outputs to custom settings didn't help. It won't accept a setting of less than 4 stereo channels, and anyway since it says "Setup for new instances" I'm guessing it has no effect on already existing instances.

    Yes I am opening Logic in Rosetta mode:

    I did not have full disk access granted to Native Access, so I did that just now and reinstalled Battery 4 from Native Access. No luck. Deleted /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Battery 4.component and reinstalled Battery 4 again. No luck. Still getting: The plug-in named "Battery 4" of type "0 - 17" isn't available on your system.

    Thanks again for the suggestions.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,190 mod

    So, I tried to reproduce the issue with Battery 4.1.5, and couldn't get the outputs right in Logic either. The second set of available outputs in Logic seems to be somehow linked to the output setting of the Battery standalone. Can you check on your old system a few things? What is the output configuration of the Battery standalone application ? What is the version of Logic there. Just trying to understand what the issue is, not really sure we can find a solution, to be honest.

  • robgwin
    robgwin Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Old system is Logic 10.4.4 and MacOS 10.14.6, and Battery standalone Engine settings are:

    I'm pretty sure I've never touched those settings on the old system, didn't know they existed until I started wrestling with this upgrade. Thanks for persisting at this, I would also be very interested in an understanding of the issue, fixable or not!

  • robgwin
    robgwin Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Hmm one other funny thing I've noticed. On the old system Battery standalone "about" screen you can see it's version 4.15.254 on the top left, but on the top right it says "Import Version:" -- not really sure what that means, but maybe related to why I'm seeing different things than you are?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,190 mod

    Hey @robgwin It was the same version, the only set of outputs I can get are these:

    I need to get in touch with the Battery team about this.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,190 mod

    Let's try something, here is an installer for Battery 4.1.5: BATTERY 4.1.5

    Can you try to install it on your new computer ? I'm not sure if it's even possible, since it's a m1 computer I assume you are on Big Sur or Monterey. Anyway that's worth a shot!

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