Komplete Start, doesn't include Komplete Kontrol

Richard S
Richard S Member Posts: 29 Member
edited 1:49PM in Komplete Kontrol

I tried an install for the first time, following the Native Access instructions I found on YouTube. I downloaded Native Access and it then says to install Komplete Control from the list of available software.

However Komplete Control is not in the list. Does anyone have any idea what I should do?



  • yan
    yan Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    the same problem

  • GhostriderGlenn
    GhostriderGlenn Member Posts: 17 Member
    edited November 2023

    hello guys,

    It would help a little knowing what operating systems you're using..Did you get the Native access program? if so you need to look and see if its version 2.

  • Richard S
    Richard S Member Posts: 29 Member
    edited November 2023

    I am using Mac OS, and I used the latest version I downloaded from the web the day I made the comment. I assume it's Version 2.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 4,157 mod
    edited November 2023

    Check : Compatibility of Native Instruments Products on macOS : https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/360014900358-Compatibility-of-Native-Instruments-Products-on-macOS

    Also check and make sure that you are logged in to the correct account in Native Access and in browser check that you got Komplete Start registered to your account.  I can not remember at this particular time if one gets a serial and have to fill it into the Native Access app. You have to if you buy something but I don't think that you have to with respect to the free Komplete Start , though one have to remember to click all the way through the pages to get the Komplete Start added to account !

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 1,622 mod

    I just tried the same on a new account running on a Mac - KK doesn't show up in NA if you only have Komplete Start, even though the page here says it's free Komplete Kontrol – hub for plugins, loops, and samples | Komplete (native-instruments.com) Running Ventura 13.6.1 so it's not a compatibility issue.

    -- Mike

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 848 Guru

    Try this

    Click the Free Download with Komplete Start button

    Click whichever path is appropriate. I already have an account so I'll click "Get free software"

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 1,622 mod

    Thanks for the screenshots, but that's exactly what I did and KK isn't showing in Native Access. The other products show correctly and install, but KK isn't present.

    -- Mike

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 848 Guru

    That's unfortunate, wonder if someone at NI decided to restrict KK to only customers who own a compatible hardware device? It did use to be free though....

    Hopefully someone from @NI can reply. In the meantime I'd submit a trouble ticket so at least it's in the queue.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 4,157 mod
    edited November 2023

    I am afraid that you could be right. Having read the "What Is Komplete Start?" then it now says , quote : Included products:

    The following list shows the products that can be installed with Native Access and which products have to be opened in Kontakt 7 Player:

    So , it stands to reason that someone at N.I. got the 'bright idea' to slim down offerings to a bare necessity to also , maybe not have to support Komplete Kontrol for 'free' edition users. Me myself I think that I might have started out with the Komplete Start , but never really having used it (especially because of diverse problems with Native Access back then) , I can not even remember if 'Start' ever came with Komplete Kontrol. And before ever really trying the Komplete software then I had 'upgraded' to Select because that came with my keyboard...

    JEREMY ! (@Jeremy_NI ) , if Komplete Kontrol ever came with Komplete Start does it then not do so any more ? (probably not)(so people : please rush over to the present sale and grab a hardware unit to upgrade to select or better or go buy some software upgrade if you disapprove of the N.I. hardware) (😉 😋 🤣 😉)


    There must be something wrong or gone haywire somewhere because , as also shown on the screenshot from reffahcs , then it clearly says that Komplete Kontrol comes FREE with Komplete Start !

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 848 Guru

    I know Komplete Kontrol was part of Komplete Select 14 in early September of this year. I had just got a Maschine MK3 and it came with Komplete Select 14. I remember trying to figure out what the difference was between KK and Kontakt.

    I can't say I'm surprised though considering you can use KK with any MIDI instrument, so I can see them wanting to shut out the "freeloaders" ie sell more hardware.

  • MartinHines
    MartinHines Member Posts: 37 Helper

    I would suggest submitting a support ticket. The Komplete Kontrol webpage clearly states it is free, included with the free Komplete Start.

    If NI has changed this, their webpages need to be updated.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 4,157 mod

    Install support is here: http://bit.ly/NIsupport_install

  • B.Minor
    B.Minor Member Posts: 180 Advisor
    edited November 2023

    Hmmm. There seems to be something strange going on, and I don’t think that this is a good sign for the whole community.

    First of all, it really seems that NI has finally removed Komplete Kontrol from their Komplete Start Bundle; at least I also can’t find it there anymore. And secondly, it seems that another link - which should still refer to all „free“ NI products - tries to fool us as well:


    As you can see, you get the clear impression that the product „Komplete Kontrol Software“ is still supposed to be „free“ and available for everyone, but in fact this isn't true anymore. After clicking on its dedicated icon, a related page opens which is describing just in principle what KK does.


    However, the only link to supposedly download KK from there is represented by a button labelled „Discover Komplete Start“:

    By finally pressing it, the Komplete Start page opens again and the endless loop is perfect. You simply won't find KK anymore listed as part of Komplete Start - and it isn't free anymore. Full stop.

    If you ask me, NI has decided to get rid of all users who might be able to use KK without having ever purchased any NI keyboard before. After having finally ditched MK1 users while introducing KKV3 recently, this was the next logical step, as it seems. And to save any further efforts in development, I'm sure that MK2 users will be the next target group who will be told very soon that their keyboard is earlier EOL than expected. After all, it would cost too much to bring back all KKV2 features which were used previously by all kinds of existing users. The most important features of KKV2 have been intentionally dropped in the KKV3 release already. Obviously it would be an overkill to do some reverse engineering just because of "just a bunch of people" (like me), frequently complaining about the current situation. In the end, the only target group which will be left to be supported will be MK3 owners; but I doubt that they will ever get happy with what has been reported so far, especially having to work with such a "slimmed down" KKV3 functionality. Of course, there's still room for ads in all the commercial applications, but not for improvements. Very nice going!

    Sorry, I know how negative I must come across here, but things are really getting worse day by day, and there's no excuse anymore for that. Personally I don't expect anymore that things will get better someday. Just look at these signs.

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 848 Guru

    Well hopefully after the weekend NI will be able to clear this up. But after downloading NA on my Windows 10 PC with a brand new NI account, I can confirm what others have reported.

    Komplete Kontrol is no longer included with Komplete Start. Now there doesn't seem much else we can do as a community other than wait to hear from NI and find out if this was intentional or an accident.

    I didn't have enough screen real estate to capture everything. Not shown at the top of the list are Analog Dreams, Community Drive 2021 and Controller Editor.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,830 mod

    Hey all, the new Komplete Start does not offer the Komplete Kontrol plug-in anymore, only Kontakt Player, some libraries and some effects. It seems that some of our content on the website was not updated yet and it's a little confusing.

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