[FIXED BY LOGIC 10.8.1] MIDI note doubling issue with Komplete Kontrol 3.0.3 and Logic Pro 10.8



  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,249 mod

    And for such a thing to happen developers need to know how to harness those changes. It’s entirely possible doing that requires an updated AU SDK.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,249 mod

    Yes most things like this are about the interaction between multiple factors in a dynamically changing environment - ultimately these changes in Logic are a great step forwards, but the short term consequences require changes possibly in host and plugins. It doesn’t help though when those changes were not communicated well.

  • Majid Beats
    Majid Beats Member Posts: 17 Newcomer

    If yall want to be sensitive and say I’m blaming someone that’s cool.

    i understand stuff happens but it’s also been a week and there’s no new update. At a certain point patience runs out when you have over $1k in product that’s useless.

  • fluffy
    fluffy Member Posts: 60 Helper

    This sort of thing seems to happen with every major Logic update, and Apple are notoriously bad at communicating with third-party developers with this stuff. I'm sure folks at NI are scrambling to find a longer-term fix. In the meantime you can at least temporarily do the Environment hack to disable the loopback thing.

  • Keith Cocker
    Keith Cocker Member Posts: 130 Advisor

    I agree that Blame is pointless. The important thing is to get an effective solution as quickly as possible. Perhaps @Matthew_NI could let us know if NI has all necessary information to progress their side of things or if users reporting further issues and observations is of value. Also to indicate some sort of timescale for a solution. A week or two doesn't;t worry me unduly but longer than that I begin to feel unhappy. The "Environment" work around is messy and don't inspire confidence. I've begun duplicating all projects that I want to work on - so I have an original untouched and a copy with changed environment. I use a lot of peripherals that send and receive midi messages in composing and the Cabling solution is, in itself complex and flakey. I would appreciate an indication of the answer to these questions from NI now. Thanks

  • Majid Beats
    Majid Beats Member Posts: 17 Newcomer

    For people that produce full time, two weeks is way too long. And I wasn’t blaming them for this, obviously it’s two sides but now that it’s happened the important thing is to get started on the solution instead of hoping Apple will fix it on their end.

  • fluffy
    fluffy Member Posts: 60 Helper

    Yes, unfortunately it seems to be a fairly complex issue that might cause more instability if they rush into a fix right away. In the meantime, the Environment fix is an adequate (not great) workaround that gets us unblocked. Another workaround is using the underlying plugins directly rather than going through the KK wrapper. You have options for getting unstuck. They're not great. Hopefully better options come soon.

    Hopefully NI and Apple are working together on this, although knowing how Apple operates I'm expecting we're going to have to mostly rely on NI. And sometimes things like this aren't immediately obvious about how to best fix them, especially if they end up making something else worse.

    Personally I'd be fine with just being allowed to disable the blinkenlights which display as the instruments play, which appears to be the source of the problem and also I find them pretty distracting and would prefer to be able to turn them off anyway.

  • Majid Beats
    Majid Beats Member Posts: 17 Newcomer

    It actually does not work with the S-series keyboards. I tried it to today and it completely turned off all input. Unless I’m doing something wrong but I followed the instructions.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,663 mod

    It would be irresponsible and disingenuous to offer a timeline regarding a fix: things are investigative and uncertain, and estimates cannot be provided until things are a known entity, such that they may be sustainably resolved without further long term complications and/or other things changing around as we move.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,068 Guru

    For people that produce full time, two weeks is way too long.

    In the modern development world, two weeks is the MINIMUM length of a sprint. Anything faster would be "all hands on deck hotfix" type of work. I think we're probably past that point by now, and besides that, high value team members cannot keep working like that; they tend to find other jobs.

    Now then, fixing some of this stuff could require multiple sprints, each with the work broken down to small "doable" bite-sized chunks of work.

    So take it from a friend: If you really ARE putting food on the table with Komplete Kontrol, and I trust you when you imply that you are, then I highly recommend that you revert back to version 2.9.6...or whatever you were using before this all happened.

    Your diagnostic/debugging info is much appreciated. I appreciate it, and I'm just a nobody! But we don't want your beautiful bride or your little rugrats to go hungry so that we can all have pretty lights. We don't want you to miss your mortgage payment so you have to take late fees out of the family Christmas present fund.

    I get it, pain in the arse, lost time, missed deadlines. That's all painful. But you need to use good judgment, lest your stress rise to the point where you can't function. Because if you can't function, then your production suffers. And your quality suffers. This could take weeks...or the rest of the year...to fix.

    Also, if another company needs to update their SDK and get back to NI, well, that's gonna happen on that OTHER company's schedule, not NI's schedule. And let's be honest with each other: If the other company really is Apple, then NI isn't the one in charge here.

    I wish you less stress, brother.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,068 Guru

    For people that produce full time, two weeks is way too long.

    In the modern development world, two weeks is the MINIMUM length of a sprint. Anything faster would be "all hands on deck hotfix" type of work. I think we're probably past that point by now, and besides that, high value team members cannot keep working like that; they tend to find other jobs.

    Now then, fixing some of this stuff could require multiple sprints, each with the work broken down to small "doable" bite-sized chunks of work.

    So take it from a friend: If you really ARE putting food on the table with Komplete Kontrol, and I trust you when you imply that you are, then I highly recommend that you revert back to version 2.9.6...or whatever you were using before this all happened.

    Your diagnostic/debugging info is much appreciated. I appreciate it, and I'm just a nobody! But we don't want your beautiful bride or your little rugrats to go hungry so that we can all have pretty lights. We don't want you to miss your mortgage payment so you have to take late fees out of the family Christmas present fund.

    I get it, pain in the @rse, lost time, missed deadlines. That's all painful. But you need to use good judgment, lest your stress rise to the point where you can't function. Because if you can't function, then your production suffers. And your quality suffers. This could take weeks...or the rest of the year...to fix.

    Also, if another company needs to update their SDK and get back to NI, well, that's gonna happen on that OTHER company's schedule, not NI's schedule. And let's be honest with each other: If the other company really is Apple, then NI isn't the one in charge here.

    I wish you less stress, brother.

  • fluffy
    fluffy Member Posts: 60 Helper

    Unfortunately the problem extends back to older versions of Komplete Kontrol as well; the problem is a due to change in Logic 10.8. And, of course, Apple doesn't make it possible to downgrade back to Logic 10.7, or prevent automatically upgrading to 10.8. Everything's on a one-way upgrade path, and that's one of the most broken things about software in this day and age.

    If you have a Time Machine backup you should be able to restore the old version of Logic from that, at least.

  • AMD
    AMD Member Posts: 64 Member
    edited November 2023

    There are no issues of duplicated notes for me when recording the output of Logic's stock MIDI FX or the output of third party MIDI FX like Scaler 2 for example, but there definitely are issues when I record the output of KK 2.9.4.

  • AMD
    AMD Member Posts: 64 Member
    edited November 2023

    Totally understand your frustration with this, but you should always have the means to go back to earlier versions of software, or better still, don't waste time updating until all the new bugs (of which there are always many) have been ironed out.

    Did you create a copy of Logic before updating? If so, just use the previous version until all this stuff gets sorted. If not, you should have a Time Machine or similar backup? Just retrieve the older Logic app from there and use that.

    If you want to keep 10.8 in your applications folder, rename the older version to something other than Logic Pro.app. That way, version 10.8 and any previous version can sit together in your applications folder until all of this gets sorted.

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