White Screen /Unresponsive Kontrol S Mk3 during firmware upgrade

william.prince Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited November 2023 in Komplete Kontrol


I just brought home a new Kontrol S49 MK3, powered it on, and ran through the setup steps. When I reached the step to upgrade the firmware, I ran the KSMK3 Updater, and received the following error:

An error occured while updating your KONTROL S MK3 (error -2). Please disconnect the KONTROL S MK3, unpower it and quit the KSMK3 Updater. Then reconnect the KONTROL S MK3, restart KSMK3 Updater and try performing the update again. Alternatively contract the NO Technical Support.

I followed those directions, first powering off the MK3, disconnecting the USB-c from my computer, and the rest. After powering the MK3 back on, it is now stuck with a white screen, no matter what I do. I tried doing another firmware update anyway, but it failed with the same error.

At one point during the subsequent firmware update attempts, I see the white screen go away momentarily, but it always returns a second later, and the update always fails. I've tried re-cycling power many times, with no change. Please help

Best Answers



  • william.prince
    william.prince Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    Resolved. After a dozen or so more attempts, it eventually got past the white screen, and then I was able to get it to update after unplugging all my other devices from usb ports and moving the connection from a front connection to the back.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,016 mod

    Thank you for providing feedback that may help others ! 🙂

  • ArfaGrekos
    ArfaGrekos Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Hi all,

    Ok soi had my Kontrol mk3 plugged into my Mac via type c, long story short find a adapter for the USB and plug that in and also have the Kontrol mk3 power via the other type c port from the mains so it can update :)

    was starting to give up hope but it came through when I did that :)


  • Zman
    Zman Member Posts: 13 Member

    It does seem absolutely essential that the Keyboard is Powered in some way. Very short sighted of NI not to realise this, or did they? Maybe they are going to produce a power supply seperately at an extortionate price? I still think for the Premium prices they should include a Power supply as many people's systems just arent powerful enough to run the MK3 series from USB C alone. I hope NI supply all current owners with a Power Supply FREE OF CHARGE just for their troubles, It would be the least they can do.

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 874 Guru

    I would think most people have loads of USB-C power supplies at home seeing as it's the most popular choice these days. I haven't found the need for additional power, rather a different cable seemed to fix things on my Mac. On my PC the factory cable seems to work fine.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓
  • tejeguitar
    tejeguitar Member Posts: 7 Member

    I am experiencing the same issue, but I cannot get past the white screen, even at my 20th attempt... I disconnected all my USBs from the ports except the mouse, keyboard and Wifi, but still with the same issue. I tried connecting it to another port, but still the same. Have written to NI but still no reply. I don't get it... And the S49 mk3 is just brand new, I don't get why that happened, not even had the chance to try it. Any solutions? Thanks in advance.

  • tejeguitar
    tejeguitar Member Posts: 7 Member

    Btw, I'd like to note that I feel like I am being ripped off, as it is not a cheap item by any means, and it is not serious that it does have that issue on day 1, just starting the item and the software. I don't know, I am just feeling hopeless at that point and a bit down about it...

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,016 mod
    edited December 2023

    If you want to update the firmware then you ought to connect the keyboards power inlet to an USB-C power supply that is marked capable of USB-C PD (Power Delivery) and make sure that you use a cable that can transfer power. Alas there are some problems with some USB-C drivers and some USB-C chips set not being acting within specification (see post by Matthew_NI here) , often the best way to circumvent problems are using the USB.C power supply as described above and then also make sure that you have a USB-C cable that can transfer data and then add a USB-C to USB-A 3.0 adapter and connect the keyboard to the USB-A 3.0 port on the computer instead !

    As for the white-screen then you can try to power cycle reset the keyboard : Power cycle the keyboard 5 times. At the 5th time, the recovery screen should appear and you can re-update the controller. In order to power cycle, turn on the device, wait 2-3 seconds and then turn it off again. Please repeat this 5 times. (Some people have done it repeatedly before it helped !)(can not promise that it helps but must be worth a try !)

    But if the power cycling helps then please try the above advice for FW update attempts !

    Otherwise please follow the advice in the troubleshooting pages linked to by Jeremy_NI above here !

  • tejeguitar
    tejeguitar Member Posts: 7 Member

    Hi, thanks for your time on the reply.

    I've made it work by changing the cables and trying it for the 100th time at least. The factory NI cable did not do the job, but a mobile phone charger cable did (I only connected one cable that transfered both power and data from and to my PC). I do not know why it worked with a cheap old phone cable, but it did.

    OK. My next battle is trying to simply work outside any DAW environment, and just trying to use the KONTROL S49 MK3 with the standalone KONTAKT 7 software. But so far, even worse than with the cable issue... It bugs all the time (see attached photos). I open KONTAKT 7 sofware on the computer and the screen of the keyboard shows the browser menu. Alright. But when trying to fiddle around and search for virtual instruments using the knobs from thekeyboard, it is super buggy and ends up glitched and not being able to select anything, as it gets stuck and the knobs work within my computer screen on KONTAKT 7, but the screen on the keyboard gets stuck until forever (I have let it settle and wait for half an hour and it still got stuck for the 5th time), and cannot use the onboard screen of the keyboard (which is the main reason why I bought the damn keyboard).

    I do not know if I am missing something, but so far it is one of the worst music related product experiences I have ever encountered myself. And I am trying to understand why is it happening, but I cannot see the reason nor any explanation on the net.

    So, any tips or guides will be very welcome, as in YouTube, everyone, included the NI channel, makes it work efortessly, but I cannot even get it to work properly on KONTAKT 7 sofware...

  • tejeguitar
    tejeguitar Member Posts: 7 Member

    Excuse me, I forgot to attach the pics:

    Here I opened first Abbey Road Vintage Drummer, and afterwards, I clicked the "Browser" button, searched carefully and slowly the Cuba ensamble virtual instrument, clicked on it, but although making the sounds of congas from the last mentioned virtual instrument, the screen kept showing the vintage drummer sreen and knob functions (although those buttons did another completely different thing when moving them). And the same happened time after time. I do not know if there's any softare or anything missing on my installation or what in the world is going on.

  • tejeguitar
    tejeguitar Member Posts: 7 Member

    There's the pic, sorry.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,016 mod

    Congratulations on getting the FW update to work !

    I am sorry , but at the moment I am completely overwhelmed by the amount of discussions on all sorts of topis regarding the S-Series MK3 and the Komplete Kontrol 3.xx and Kontakt 7.xx with people complaining over all kinds of issues of varying importance with more types of keyboards so to be honest then I have kind of lost track.

    Generic advice is to make sure that you are using latest version of all software, including drivers !

    Else Kontakt support is here :   http://bit.ly/NIsupport_kontakt , though especially at the sale then expect maybe a week to get a response. If you do not get an answer within a week then please update your ticket and politely remind support that you are still waiting !

  • tejeguitar
    tejeguitar Member Posts: 7 Member

    I just opened a ticket about it...

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @tejeguitar Sorry to hear about your bad experience.

    Are you running Kontakt and Komplete Kontrol as admin? How to Run a Program as an Administrator

    Do you have the same issues if you open the Komplete Kontrol standalone application?

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