Feedback - Komplete Kontrol 3.0



  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    It is a p.i.s.a. to change the view each time I want to select another preset from the list.

    Yeah that has been my biggest problem with it from the start, same with Kontakt 7 browser. I prefer to see presets side by side with the plugin so I can navigate more quickly and also drag and drop samples into plugins. I know NI are hearing this but whether it will change I'm not sure.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,888 Expert

    All I can say at this stage is the next 6 months will be a key in how well NI and their "new word" are, as Matt mentioned we have only what NI have done oin the past to go on and the record is very poor so this is crunch time for many users eagerly watching to see if this is all just more buzz words of new tech stacks and future visions or if there is actual consideration for what people actually want.

    The clock is now ticking and I would expect to see all this feedback (which cannot be at all unexpected given the current state of things and the drastic and questionable changes and decisions) and really grind out on some decent improvements. Having something new feel like such a downgrade in almost every possible function is at best, disappointing, more infuriating and plain insulting, especially when there are bugs still evident that were reported over a year ago (some plugins in VST3 still do not display in some DAWS.

    My faith/hope meter lost the needle long ago so gonna take a lot to register anything there and I just can't wait another 10 years for the next feature release to come about.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,408 Expert
    edited October 2023

    My biggest problem is that even if they WILL (hopefully) put things back in order, they will use this to say they are working on it and call it “improving” and “updating”.

    Next year/year and a half we maybe will start to have things back. Giving editing the functionalities they removed? Should already be there. Proper resizability? That’s what should have showed us this new version was…new. From day 1. Adding Play assist and midi programming to the keyboard? Well…that would have been another selling point for the new device and the proof what they are giving us is really a step forward in the keyboards’ offer.

    What remains are the negative aspects of this transition. If they wanted to show us how things are changed in NI, this was their chance to prove it. Making new products WELL DONE and release it.

    Not upsetting users and then eventually fix the mistakes to call it improvements. Maybe this will work with new users, which didn’t know what to expect or what was already there before they messed it. And so they will see all of this as NI being so good and caring for requests, constantly working on it.

    But sadly, this starts to look to me as a strategy: releasing not finished products, using users as beta testers in order to be able to work on things after the fact and also been seen as constantly improving.

    I’m thinking to open a new thread about this, to see if others start to see as I do this pattern as a new policy to prove how they are good in putting “new” things in their products. “New” things that should already be there. Not promises for the future to come.

    BTW: I know economy times don’t correspond to users time, but telling us that maybe we will have some functionalities back in 1-2 years means 1-2 years of my life too late. Should I wait to have arthritis at my fingers to be able to work on what I love to do? Or maybe they are counting on us to get older and forget what they removed from our products. Yes, Alzheimer could be a good ally

  • RobertDorn
    RobertDorn Member Posts: 40 Member

    Would love to give some feedback on the actual interface of V3 .

    however, V3 only lived for 10 minutes on my computer because when I hit the space bar in a session that contains instances of KK, I get playback buffer underrun /system overload errors . No matter if I pick a 64samples or 1024 samples playback buffer. V2.9.4 does not have that issue.

    I can imagine it was not NI’s top priority to have a working release after 1 year of development. However, it would be cool if , for instance V3.0.1 already could be a useable version of the plugin.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru
    edited October 2023

    I certainly thought KK2 + MK2 keyboards were "broken".... deeply so.

    And only way to fix it required a gutting due to technical debt.

    Thanks goodness it is finally happening!

    Anytime this change was going to be introduced, it would be perceived as too soon for some, too late for others.

    I think the balance of now vs later feels about right.

    Introductory feature set of KK3 is quite usable for me.. I do have a personal wish list for what things will happen next.. but my faith in the future of NI is RESTORED by this move into S-MK3 + KK3.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru
    edited October 2023

    My personal wish list for what happens next would be a rethink of what happens when you click on a preset in the browser.

    I'd like to NOT have a new window open.. instead have a panel appear within the existing browser window that shows a simplified version of the instrument with its first 8 macros and an on-screen keyboard to dink around on.

    This would allow me to audition presets in a manner most convenient for me.

    I wouldn't even need my keyboard attached.. just some headphones and my laptop and I could set up some personal palettes of sounds.

    And yes.. a way to organize a group of curated presets into a palette.

    And a way to share these palettes with others.

  • dogbreath11
    dogbreath11 Member Posts: 73 Member

    this thread has 13 pages and youre the only person in it who is happy

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,408 Expert
    edited October 2023

    Let him be happy. Why not? If he gets what he needed, good for him. He bought a new mk3 and surely if I spent all that money I would try to find reasons to be happy too.

    What we have to underline is not that nobody will like the new products, but how better they could have been.

    Everyone has different needs and therefore different reasons to be happy

  • dogbreath11
    dogbreath11 Member Posts: 73 Member

    i dont care much for the new products, i just want the product ive already bought to keep working. maybe the people who buy the new products will feel my pain when its their turn to be ditched for the next product.

    i own kk s49 mk2, maschine+, traktor z1, komplete ultimate collectors & thousands of pounds of third party libraires and one thing that i can be certain of is i wont be buying anymore ni stuff if my current workflow is ditched in favour of something other than what ive already paid for.

    kk2 software may still be available in legacy but we can be sure it wont be updated for the next operating system/computer hardware requirments.

    if somebody broke into your home and took away your computer or gold or stole your car you wouldnt be happy, why should i be happy that my entire workflow has been stolen from me after i paid a heavy price and invested in the system?

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,408 Expert

    On this you are right. And I have exactly your same problem. Well…worst, since I’m one of the (neglectable, in NI opinion) “lucky” MK1 owner.

    And sadly, it is not in this society nature to think about others. If something is happening to the others, we don’t mind until is our turn.

    Your neighbor seeing they broke into your home and stole everything you own will at maximum be worried that the neighborhood is not safe anymore and maybe next time it will happen to him. But till it’s not their turn, they won’t mind too much

  • davemacp
    davemacp Member Posts: 34 Member

    Like the poster above, I roll my eyes when I hear that the people who are unhappy on here are 'power users', like we're looking at some obscure user scenario we can't achieve. I've been using KK from day 1 and have bought every piece of NI software and hardware (bar traktor), but I'm absolutely NOT a power user. I just want a well thought out and well functioning piece of software to browse and load presets. KK3 is not that, for all of the reasons already mentioned.

    I'll still be a komplete customer because it's fantastic, but I doubt I'll buy another piece of NI hardware or use KK ever again and I'm fine with that.

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 448 Guru

    Having started the thread, it feels like we're using this to bash NI, when that wasn't my intention.

    I am all for improvements, and I think @Matthew_NI Has been excellent in responding to criticism, which I think we as users have a right to offer. The intention on my part was to show where those disappointments were, so we're able to add our voice to any feedback, or data NI are recieving from users. Matt has done a great job of interacting with us, telling us not just some of the intended additions, but his personal views on what he wants to see.

    To have product lead that wants to see improvements for their personal use is invaluable to us as users - it's very rare a lead will use the products they're working on. We should be glad of that.

    Yes, there are problems, but I can tell you I'm very excited about the S88 MK3 that's going to be dispatched soon. I'm excited, not just because of Komplete Kontrol, but because of NKS2.

    I've invested so much time and money into NKS products, because they're excellent for my workflow, and I believe in the opportunity of the format. Is it where it would be if I were running the NKS program? No, but there's a lot more to running that program, the Maschine programe, and any other hardware/software than we have visibility on.

    But the more we use our voices for constructive criticism, or feature suggestions, the more NI can listen. If we just shout and say "I'm not going to use it," then nothing will change. I'm not currently convinced by KK3, but I know when the MK3 arrives, it will mean I use Kontakt for some instances instead of KK, because of the direct connection. That's a net benefit for me.

    It doesn't mean I can't count on KK for plugins just yet, but I don't think we're too far from NI delivering some of the things we've talked about in this thread. While I understand everyone's point of view, I chose to be positive about the future, and I hope NI repays that faith.

    After all, if you don't like it, and want to keep using KK2.9, you can, and if you don't like it even more than that, you can vote with your wallets and buy other products.

    Like I said, I'm optimistic that this is a step in the right direction, as @nightjar said.

  • Thusis
    Thusis Member Posts: 37 Newcomer
    edited October 2023

    I learned that the quite one‘s will often be overlooked and overheared. Only when every user who is not satisified what he gets for his money raises his voice NI see‘s the impact and might act (not only talk). This is an important part and i think this thread deserves as well a function to give an impression about that because NI doesnt get tired to mention that only a small part of the user base is affected. So its on us to show them the voice of their user base. Anyway this doesnt interfere with constructive critism in my oppinion

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