KingKonga Member Posts: 73 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

I can't get my S88 Mk1 to transmit on any MIDI ch. EXCEPT Ch. 1. I've enabled ALL MIDI capability in Komplete Control , the latest version, and there's no errors there. However, I keep trying to download the latest ver. of Controller Editor, the latest of which is 2.7.3. At least that's the what the sites tell me, but when I try to install it, it tells me there's already a later ver. already installed, even though, I've UNinstalled EVERY ver. I've already installed. 😫😭😫. Meantime, when I boot up PreSonus SO6.2 no matter what VST I try to play it only transmits on Ch. 1. I've checked to make sure all the Direct Inputs are set to corresponding MIDI Ch.s (BTW, it plays when I set it on ALL INPUTS), and that they're all open. I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO CHECK!!! I'M SICK OF THIS THING!! Can't someone provide an easy 1-2-3 Step? I've watched a dozen YTubes to try and figure this out. There's VERY few videos for the Mk1 model.😑🀬

Best Answer

  • DodMod
    DodMod Member Posts: 61 Helper
    Answer βœ“

    The latest version of Controller Editor is 2.7.6 you will need to open Native Access and log in to your account, you should find the updates available there.

    I am confused as to what your issue is regarding channels. The default template in Controller Editor is 'Template 1' when your switch on your S88 it should load this template. Any button can then be re-assigned on the 'Assign' page in Controller Editor. These changes can then be saved as your own template.

    Hope this helps.


  • MyStudioOne
    MyStudioOne Member Posts: 283 Pro

    I am a Studio One user and I own an S88. So what exactly is it you are trying to do? Which plugin, what scenario, etc? I can see you are frustrated, but I have no idea how to help you.

  • DodMod
    DodMod Member Posts: 61 Helper
    Answer βœ“

    The latest version of Controller Editor is 2.7.6 you will need to open Native Access and log in to your account, you should find the updates available there.

    I am confused as to what your issue is regarding channels. The default template in Controller Editor is 'Template 1' when your switch on your S88 it should load this template. Any button can then be re-assigned on the 'Assign' page in Controller Editor. These changes can then be saved as your own template.

    Hope this helps.

  • DodMod
    DodMod Member Posts: 61 Helper

    I forgot to mention that you can also use Komplete Kontrol app to set the midi channel. Ensure your S88 is on, open up Komplete Kontrol and click the midi icon, top right of the window, next to the 'NI' icon. This should open up the Template 1, as appears in the Controller Editor, here you can assign midi channels as before.

    Apologies if this seems more than a little confusing but MIDI can get like that.

  • KingKonga
    KingKonga Member Posts: 73 Member

    Thanks much DodMod. It didn't completely fix anything, but I'm really grateful for the very prompt reply. First, can you pls explain why I rec'd the msg that ver. 2.7.6 was NOT the most recent, even after I had completely uninstalled the app. Next, I DO apologize for not being clearer as to what my problem was, but I honestly didn't know where to start, even after watching at least 12-15 YouTubes on how to get started. Then again, my memory ain't what it used to be. So, if you could please give me a 5-step instruction on how to get started. You were on your way, but if you could flesh that out a bit more. I think I got confused with how many apps there are, and exactly what they do, and when. I've been using MIDI since '88, or DOS 5, although, I HAVE been out of the loop for about 5 yrs, but I've never dealt with NI products, and with all due respect, German products are a bit different, and sometimes require a bit of "getting used to." So, I'll wait patiently for nice summary on how to get started, and maybe an explanation of the error msg on Controller Editor 2.7.6.



  • DodMod
    DodMod Member Posts: 61 Helper

    KC, the more I re-read your initial concern the more I believe your issues are with Presonus Studio One and it's set up than with the S88.

    I use Cubase and can only assume that all DAWs are similar with the way they handle MIDI.

    When I create an 'Instrument track' and then assign an instrument to that track (e.g. Kontakt / Halion) the midi channel is usually set to Ch.1. The keyboard will now trigger that instrument to play. If I create another instrument track and load another instance of Kontakt, this too will be assigned to midi Ch. 1. This is not an issue because in Cubase I can only play any one track when it is highlighted, the second track would be dormant. I believe this would be the same in Studio One.

    Your issue may come about because you load a single instance of Kontakt / whatever is used in S.O. and then use multiple instruments within this. Each instrument would be assigned to a different midi channel (unless of course you change them all to the same channel and create a layered instrument). To access these instruments you can control the first with the keyboard on Ch. 1 and any other tracks using a midi track with its output set to the respective channel of the instrument you want.

    Hopefully this may help with your issue.

    See what I mean about MIDI being confusing.

    May I also suggest that it may be time to read to manuals, its a lot of information but it may also help.

  • MyStudioOne
    MyStudioOne Member Posts: 283 Pro

    I have created a number of YouTube tutorials for using Komplete Kontrol plugin in the Studio One environment. You might find some of them helpful. Start with this one which explains the difference between Komplete Kontrol and Kontakt and how they work together...

  • KingKonga
    KingKonga Member Posts: 73 Member

    Hello DodMod,

    Thanks again for the effort. However, you're mistaken on how MIDI ch. are able to be handled, at least with STank (all versions). It is a 16 ch. Multi-timbral software so that when you load 1 instance of it you can load that instance with 16 different MIDI parts. My problem has been that when I try to load anymore than just 1 part, REGARDLESS of whatever VST I use it will only play on Ch. 1. I DO know for sure after using MIDI since 1988 that while you can only play on 1 ch. at a time, you've ALWAYS been able to DIRECTLY assign any part to any MIDI ch. This has always been especially helpful if you were in a MIDI Event Editing mode you would be able to see the different parts assigned to different ch.s.

    So, as I say, the issue is the fact that the keyboard doesn't transmit on ANY ch. BUT #1. That CAN'T be possible. If that's the case then what's the point in having 16 ch.s. I just pulled SO6.2 and created a track with ST4 on ch. 1, AND Komplete Kontrol using Battery on a 2nd track assigned to MIDI ch. 2. Whatever I play thru MIDI Ch. 1, regardless of the VST, works fine. But NOTHING plays thru Ch. 2. And again I ask, if I'm only supposed to play thru Ch. 1, then why have 16, and I KNOW I've used them ALL simultaneously before.

    To be honest, I HAVE submitted a ticket to PreSonus as well just to make sure I have that setup properly. But what would help me here the most is knowing exactly how to setup my Mk1 so that I'm able to transmit on ALL 16 ch.s. I want to be able to eliminate any possible mistakes I may have made, since I'm NOT as familiar with this unit as I am with SO6.2, and ST4.

    Again, thanks for the help

  • DodMod
    DodMod Member Posts: 61 Helper

    I think I am beginning to understand the issue.

    Firstly you have to realise that the S88 is really just a dumb midi controller (apologies NI) and that in order to communicate with a DAW, in your case Studio One it needs the messages to be translated. This is done with Komplete Kontrol.

    This goes back to the addendum to my original reply, once you have opened KK click the midi symbol which opens up a controller page. To change which channel the keyboard transmit on, is just a case of clicking on the 'Keys' heading, this should open a page with a keyboard. Midi channel assignment is at the bottom of this page.

    Using you multi-timbral example if Instrument A is on channel 1 and instrument b is on channel 2, depending on which channel you select in KK should determine which instrument sounds are played.

    I have tested this with both Kontakt 7 and Halion 7 with no issues.

  • KingKonga
    KingKonga Member Posts: 73 Member

    We're getting there. Thanks. What you're saying makes sense, and is exactly the kind of tool I was looking for. However, as you can see in my Screenshot, while there IS the MIDI button, there's nothing that moves the ball any further. I'm not even able to pick my S88 from the list of Controllers. It appears it's not even connecting to the computer.

    Let me ask you something. I have the S88 connected via MIDI cables to my audio interface, NOT my PC bcuz I connected my other percussion controller ATOM SQ directly to my PC via USB. I did that bcuz the ATOM doesn't have any 5-pin MIDI ports. So, I kinda had no choice BUT to connect it the way it is. I'm just wondering if it's trying to connect via USB. Ideas?


  • DodMod
    DodMod Member Posts: 61 Helper

    You need to connect your S88 to your computer via USB. Then all we have mentioned before will become clear.

    I also think you should read the KK-S Series manual as it details how to connect your keyboard. You are going to find that MIDI has moved on since 1988, especially with regards to the 2 way communication.

    Here is a link to the Mk 1

    KOMPLETE KONTROL S-Series MK1 Manual (native-instruments.com)

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