Guitar Rig User Library

Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,344 mod
edited August 2023 in Guitar Rig & FX

Since the old one is closed it was suggested to set one up in a new thread so here it is. I have created a section in the NKS User Library for Guitar Rig patch sharing so anything posted in this thread I will also place a copy of in that repository so they can be browsed and easily located.

Any suggestions as to sub folder organisation categories? (eg I was thinking Amps, Multi FX, Special FX, Mixing and mastering at least although there will be some that combine these things)

Direct link is here or just go to the NKS User Library (always in my sig) and you will see the Guitar Rig folder

Please do not share any commercial content here, only user created rigs. Thanks for your contributions.



  • Wouter De Muynck
    Wouter De Muynck Member Posts: 248 Pro

    Thx @Kymeia!

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,344 mod

    OK so let's post some GR patches :)

  • Wouter De Muynck
    Wouter De Muynck Member Posts: 248 Pro

    Hello Guitar Rig users!

    After @Kymeia took the effort to create the Guitar Rig User Library, we agreed to provide the presets which are currently still available on the old forum ( in the new library as there is a chance the old forum will be decommissioned in the future. All files were downloaded and all the information available on the forum was retrieved.

    When you go to the Guitar Rig User Library, there is a folder named GR Presets - Old forum which contains a PDF file named --- Guitar Rig User Library (old forum) ---.pdf This PDF contains the following information:

    • Preset
    • Description
    • Filename (the corresponding file is available in the dropbox)
    • Author
    • Size
    • Date
    • Version
    • Rating Category

    Please note that the files are in the original file format meaning *.ngrr files can be imported directly in Guitar Rig 6, for *.bnk and *.ksd files Guitar Rig 5 is required als intermediate solution. If you don't have GR5 at your disposal, reach out to me or @Kymeia

    Enjoy! 😊

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,344 mod

    Hey cool we are a 'community highlight' now :)

    Please support this thread and share your GR patches

  • Murat Kayi
    Murat Kayi Member Posts: 433 Pro

    Hi @Kymeia I can't see sigs on the forum. Have I switched them off accidentally or where would I find yours?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,344 mod
    edited September 2023

    Should be under my posts but if you can't see sigs (they don’t seem to show on Mobile) I also put a direct link in the first post

  • Wouter De Muynck
    Wouter De Muynck Member Posts: 248 Pro

    @Kymeia , maybe the moment is right to add 3 main categories: GR5/6/7 and add the subfolders you created to everyone of these?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,344 mod
    edited September 2023

    Good idea - done ;)

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 546 Guru

    This is totally going to become a new thing I get more into, and it's entirely @Kymeia fault :)

  • Wouter De Muynck
    Wouter De Muynck Member Posts: 248 Pro

    I agree, where are the moderators when you need them! 😁

    Thanks @Kymeia !👌

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,344 mod

    Bumping this as this thread needs some love (and sharing of presets)

  • Thyztwizta
    Thyztwizta Member Posts: 3 Member

    I was hoping there'd be something like this! As I've only recently purchased GR7 I'm still trying to figure out how to get the sounds I need/want. Presets really help figuring out how to get them.

  • Bulevardi
    Bulevardi Member Posts: 12 Member

    I'm wondering why Guitar Rig 7 doesn't have a decent sound pool community, like the competitors have. Thinking about Amplitube's ToneNet or Bias FX 2 has over 50 000 presets in their tone cloud, which can be browsed by a nice search function and even previewed before downloaded.

    I just visited the Drop Box but could only download a map from 'Old Forum', which is a hotchpotch of all sorts of files mixed up… .bnk-files, .ksd-files, uncategorized folders…
    While you can only use .ngrr-files for Guitar Rig 7 it seems.
    I'm using the demo version now to test before I buy… but I cannot even test these imported .ngrr-files to hear if any could fit my needs.

    Perhaps I'm overlooking something, but maybe Guitar Rig has a preset sharing pool somewhere for their users, haven't found it, yet. Or is it something that will be added in the near future?

    I'm still doubting between some other packages before buying, that's why.
    It could be a very nice added value. When I search for Guitar Rig hashtags on instagram or other social media, Guitar Rig is very limited compared to its competitors who have lots of posts. Maybe because the other can share their presets and are able to make more publicity about it.

  • Bulevardi
    Bulevardi Member Posts: 12 Member

    Ok I found the .pdf with the whole overview. I'll go dig that list first to see if I can find some cool things.

    What disappointed me a bit on the Guitar Rig 7 main page, is the publicity around certain new features, such as the "Seattle Fuzz" pedal.
    I directly thought about some nice grunge or Nirvana-sounding presets included, but it's not there, yet.
    Could be nice for an update *wink*

    I'll figure it out and create some stuff on my own.
    However, I know from other platforms that sharing presets with a particular sound in mind is always a bit disappointing, as everyone is using another base setup, different guitar, different pick-ups,… the input signal is always different.

  • Thyztwizta
    Thyztwizta Member Posts: 3 Member

    Would it be an idea to have a separate thread with preset requests? I'm terrible at reproducing tones. Or perhaps a tutorial. Or a guide to reproducing tones?

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