Latest update to Guitar Rig 6 (6.4.0) and Guitar Rig 7: Black window



  • NashvilleEd
    NashvilleEd Member Posts: 13 Member

    I do realize my Graphic's card is a bit dated and an entry level Card, but, I have been using DirectX version 12 and it is compatible with my AMD/ATI Radeon HD 5450 and have Zero issues with any other Applications that are Audio or Video related - Are the "New" Features that graphic intensive, that in order for me to benefit from the additional features, (this is an Audio Modeler Correct? and not a Graphic Modeler, right?) I have to now get a new Graphics card? Anyway - I didn't get the impression that there would be any type of work around for this update or future updates to make 6.4.0 adaptable to older cards. I guess I'll wait until I upgrade to a new system with Windows 11 and I hope I don't have to purchase another License for my Native Instruments applications I have on my current system when I setup a new system... if that ends up being the case, I'll see if there are better alternatives.

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod

    It's a really unfortunate situation with this particular AMD graphics card. I'm still not sure if the hardware actually supports DirectX 11.1 as I have found conflicting information about that on the web.

    A little background info:

    There are various parts that need to come together in order for your computer to really have DirectX 11.1 support: The Windows version needs to support it, the hardware needs to support it and the graphics card driver needs to support it. And for the driver it's again split into multiple parts, which are listed in the dxdiag output that you can see one of the earlier screenshots: The Driver Model (WDDM) version, the Direct3D device driver interface (DDI) version and the supported Feature Level. And as you can see from the screenshot (and that was the part I missed earlier) there is only support for Feature Level 11_0 and not 11_1 😢

    So IF the hardware actually has that Feature Level then it's a problem with the driver that is lacking support. But I fail to see why AMD would not include that in the driver if the hardware supports it.

    But either way, I am very very sorry that I have to say that there is unfortunately really nothing we can do from our side to make Guitar Rig 6.4 work with that graphics card.

  • alto16
    alto16 Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
    edited September 2023

    This is truly unacceptable.

    You have left many users dead in the water with no solution. I was working on a project yesterday, ready to use Guitar Rig. To my frustration, I am getting the same black screen as discussed above.

    My system is not old. You cannot expect everyone in my situation to upgrade their graphics card because of one of your products. I am a Komplete Ultimate user. I love the KK products and use them almost every day. In addition to NI products, I also leverage plugins from Universal Audio, Waves, Izotope, Brainworx, SoundToys, etc. None of them require that I upgrade my graphics card to use their products.

    At the very least... you should offer a prior version of Guitar Rig that will work

    Thank you.



  • NashvilleEd
    NashvilleEd Member Posts: 13 Member

    I'm pretty much in agreement with Alto816 with respect to this issue that all the DAW software and plugins and other Audio Software that have recent updates (Which are many) having a software (Guitar Rig) that has worked flawlessly with previous versions of Operating systems and with Windows 10 (Which is still relevant in both hardware and software until it is retired in 2025 as per Microsoft) and Graphics cards - That the coding of this update is so advanced that it will no longer run on certain Video Cards

    Please run the GUITAR RIG 6 standalone application after installation to ensure correct behavior. To choose your soundcard, select the audio tab in the preferences. The latest manual is available for download on the GUITAR RIG 6 webpages.

    ADDED New ICM amplifier: Fire Seeker

    ADDED 13 new rack presets

    ADDED Total latency is now reported correctly for zero latency components, for all sample rates

    IMPROVED Performance improvements

    IMPROVED All fixed components are no longer shown on first start

    IMPROVED Display on HiDPI screens

    FIXED Hover state issues in Pro Tools on Mac

    FIXED Removed empty hover area on Tapedeck Post

    FIXED VC76 some ratio modes weren't selectable via mouse click

    FIXED VC76 VU meter scale upper numbers weren't showing

    FIXED VST3 didn't appear correctly in Digital Performer

    FIXED AU mono loading error in Digital Performer 11

    FIXED Rare crash on startup related to GR3 presets

    FIXED Dragging files from the OS into Guitar Rig caused slowdown

    FIXED Undoing and redoing an insertion into a container bypassed some components ##

    KNOWN ISSUE Some HiDPI configurations on Windows can result in jittery controls inside a DAW. Enable the Guitar Rig "Touchscreen Mode" from the preferences as a workaround

    is this the cause of the issue: IMPROVED Display on HiDPI screens that now makes some video cards not display the GUI for GR6.4.0?

    I should probably update my video card but still, what video card should I use in order to benefit from this one Audio Application? and the cost involved along with the time involved and down time involved in this? personally I really feel that this is kind of a rip for those of us who use GR and other NI products. I use a few of the competitor's products and I have recent versions of updates specific to Apps like GR and they seem to work without my having to upgrade or swap out my current Graphics Card... Maybe looking into the coding of GR6.4.0 and creating a Patch for this issue would be something to consider - How do I know (without having to reinstall all my apps on a Windows 11 machine with any given Graphics card that I'm not going to run into the same issue with this software update for GR6.4.0? how about a list of Graphocs cards and system requirements for GR6.4.0 to see if all this investment in time and hardware is worth it?

    I have and use the GR6.3.0 and it works just fine but knowing and not being able to use an update to the App because the coders can't figure out why the GUI will not work with certain video cards is a lack of initiative. Just saying - You have amazing products and they should all be functional with ALL current standards and Hardware at least to a point that does not require a major investment in time and money just to use that update on existing systems.

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod
    edited September 2023


    We are really terribly sorry that you have encountered this situation. Please use the link from the next post to get an installer for Guitar Rig 6.3.


    The graphics cards requirements for Guitar Rig 6.4 are DirectX 11.1 (Feature Level 11_1). Any graphics card meeting those requirements will work with Guitar Rig 6.4.

    We have seen this particular problem with the black screen with the AMD/ATI Radeon HD 5450 graphics card that unfortunately does not meet those DirectX requirements. This graphics card was introduced to the market over 13 years ago. It is unfortunately the case that it is not always possible to provide new features (like in this case improved HiDPI support) and adapt our software to user expectations without changing the system requirements. The DirectX version we require was introduced over 10 years ago. We did research and test extensively if graphics cards that met our previous requirements are still compatible with Guitar Rig 6.4 and it seems that we have missed this one case. But as I said earlier in this thread, there is unfortunately conflicting information out there about this AMD/ATI graphics card. And again, we are truly sorry that you have been hit by this but we can't make Guitar Rig 6.4 work with lower system requirements and at the same time improve it.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,573 mod

    @alto16 Here is a link to the Guitar rig 6.3 installers, for both Mac & Windows: GUITAR RIG 6.3

  • alto16
    alto16 Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Hi Eddie & Jeremy

    Thank you for your quick response. My system does have an "AMD Radeon HD 5450" graphics card.

    I very much appreciate the link for Guitar Rig 6.3. I will download it today.

    Per my prior post, I am very happy with the products from NI and thrilled that you are now aligned with Izotope. I am a big user of both product lines in my productions.

    All the best,


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,573 mod
    edited September 2023 Answer ✓

    Since the latest update, Direct X Feature Level 11.1 is required in addition to Direct X 11.1. The latest version includes many graphical updates which only are available with 11.1

    Unfortunately you are seeing this error due to the limitation of your graphics card which only supports Direct X Feature Level 11.0.

    We published a Knowledge Base article that explains the issue, with links to 6.3 for 6.4 owners that need to downgrade.

    Guitar Rig Opens with a Black Window

  • alto16
    alto16 Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Hi Jeremy

    My apologies. I do see now that you posted the GR link to 6.3 as an alternative solution on July 31st in the discussion above. Thank you for reposting the explanation and the link yesterday.

    I have installed 6.3 on my system and it is booting up normal (no black screen).

    All the best,


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,573 mod

    @alto16 Yes, sorry, I re-edited some of the post and answers to make sure other users get the info as fast as possible. Happy to hear you have a working Guitar RIg now.

  • NashvilleEd
    NashvilleEd Member Posts: 13 Member


    Please provide a list of Graphics Cards that are recommended that have been tested with the GR 6.4.0 That are Compatible with DirectX 11.1 - Also it it exclusively 11.1 or will Graphics Cards that are compatible With DirectX 12 also work? I've been looking at new Graphics Cards and it's either DirectX 11 or 12 - I don;t see any specifically for 11.1

    Hence the request for a list or a link to a list of compatible Cards that will work with 6.4.0 and GR7Pro

    Thank you - Please note: I use your Products and I am very pleased with the previous version of GR - just disappointed that my 13 year old card meets the DirectX 12 update but doesn't have the 11.1 compatibility or feature.

  • vsushkov
    vsushkov Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I have the same issue with Guitar Rig 7 on Windows 10.

    As I am trying to make SOUND but not VIDEO, I am puzzled as to why required DirectX feature level is above 11.0?

    Is it possible to make code adjustments so that the software works with older graphics cards that only support DX feature level 11.0 and below, even at a cost of some fancy UI visual effects?

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod


    Here you can find a list of GPUs that support feature level 11_1 and higher, just look at the last column for the rows where it says 11_1, 12_0, 12_1 or 12_2:

    And if you are still unsure if a graphics card that you are looking into is capable of at least 11_1 then use the search bar here on the top right of this site to confirm:

    I hope this helps.

  • chrismiller
    chrismiller Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited September 2023

    same problem for me in Kontakt, digging through the forum I found this thing

    all I needed to do was set en environmant variable with QSG_RHI_BACKEND=opengl on my computer and Guitarrig works now also

  • alto16
    alto16 Member Posts: 6 Newcomer


    I am assuming that I will have the same graphics card problem with “Guitar Rig 7 Pro”…

    Am I correct?


    All the best,


This discussion has been closed.
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