Latest update to Guitar Rig 6 (6.4.0) and Guitar Rig 7: Black window

NashvilleEd Member Posts: 13 Member
edited October 2024 in Guitar Rig & FX

I have a Windows 10 PRO |Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz  3.40 GHz | 32GB RAM - Latest updates: 22H2 OS Build 19045.3086 | AMD Radeon HD 5450 Graphics Card


I installed the Latest ver of Guitar Rig 6 - (Registered Version) - Installed and updated VIA the "Native Access" App

I open it up and there is no Graphics - It is working because I hear the Audio and if I right click on the Black Window where I should see the App's GUI a Drop down menu appears and I can select Amps and Effects etc - but no GUI - Black Window with the Title Bar. I know this is an Older system but everything else with respect to my Digital Studio (Studio One 6) and other Native Instrument Software all works as designed except for the GUI for GR6...

Any Ideas that don't include updating my Graphics card or Monitors to accommodate This update?

Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    edited September 2023 Answer ✓

    Since the latest update, Direct X Feature Level 11.1 is required in addition to Direct X 11.1. The latest version includes many graphical updates which only are available with 11.1

    Unfortunately you are seeing this error due to the limitation of your graphics card which only supports Direct X Feature Level 11.0.

    We published a Knowledge Base article that explains the issue, with links to 6.3 for 6.4 owners that need to downgrade.

    Guitar Rig Opens with a Black Window



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert

    Is the same happening opening GR 6 as a plugin?

  • NashvilleEd
    NashvilleEd Member Posts: 13 Member

    Yes When I bring it up in Studio One 6 - Same thing, just a Black Window with a title bar. The Audio is working and I can Change Amps but it is useless with out the GUI

  • SteKrae
    SteKrae Member Posts: 4 Member

    Same problem here. No GUI.

  • NashvilleEd
    NashvilleEd Member Posts: 13 Member

    This is what I sent to the Support at Native Instruments today (07 02 2023)

    I had Zero issues with Guitar Rig 6 until this last update and the software should still be compatible with my system

    Dell Optiplex 9020

    Device name     MusicStudio101

    Processor           Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz  3.40 GHz

    Installed RAM   32.0 GB

    Device ID            72AACD8D-A9AE-45D6-8FBD-627D91B6683D

    Product ID          00330-80000-00000-AA241

    System type      64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

    Pen and touch  No pen or touch input is available for this display

    Edition Windows 10 Pro

    Version 22H2

    Installed on        ‎6/‎18/‎2020

    OS build              19045.3155

    Experience        Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19041.1000.0

    (All updated to current Drivers)

    GPU: AMD Radeon HD 5450 – SW Version: 16.2.1

    Audio Card: Sound Blaster Audigy 5/Rx

    M-Audio M-Track Solo and Duo Interface

    Studio One 6 latest Artist Version

    Please also note: my Guitar Rig 5 Version works perfectly as did the Previous version of Guitar Rig 6

    Here is an update as to what I have Performed after submitting this trouble ticket

    I have uninstalled Guitar Rig 6

    I have run: sfc /scannow – it did correct some errors unrelated to the Guitar Rig 6 Software

    I have cleared the cache files and Temp Files from the system.

    I have checked for any Windows based Hardware Driver updates - everything is current on the system

    There are no Firewall or Security software Issues – have turned off and removed any Software that is not necessary from the system Start ups

    All my MIDI Interface devices are working normally all my other “Native Instrument” software’s work with all midi interfaces and DAW software


    The only thing that no longer is functional with respect to the GUI of the Guitar Rig 6 Software is just that, NO GUI when GR6 is opened as a stand alone or as a Plugin.

    If you can’t recommend a fix to this issue, I would like to reinstall the Previous version of GR6 - However, I can’t seem to access that previous version using “Native Access” or download it from the Website under my Account. ticket has been created for your request (3980462)


    Here is a link to a Video that you can see exactly what is happening

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod


    I'm very sorry that you are experiencing this problem with the latest update of Guitar Rig. We have not seen this problem before and are looking into it. Could you please tell use which DirectX version you are using? Here is a description how to do this.


    Could you also please post your system specs, e.g. graphics card, etc.

  • NashvilleEd
    NashvilleEd Member Posts: 13 Member

    I did post my system specs - I’ll look at the DirectX and post assp

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod

    I was addressing the other user (@SteKrae) having the same problem with the question about the specs.

  • NashvilleEd
    NashvilleEd Member Posts: 13 Member

    @Eddie_NI - DirectX 12 - is the version I have (see Images)

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod

    That is sufficient and should work. We are trying to reproduce the error here on our end to find out what's going wrong. Did customer support provide you with an installer for Guitar Rig 6.3.0 in the meantime?

  • NashvilleEd
    NashvilleEd Member Posts: 13 Member

    @Eddie_NI - Yes I received the Download and Installed it - That version works without issue! Thank you

    It is my understanding that this seems to be an issue with the latest version on a number of system configurations similar to my system. Hopefully the issue will be resolved!!

  • SACN
    SACN Member Posts: 1 Member

    Hi All,

    I've experienced the same graphics issue with GR6Pro (6.4.0).

    My computer specs are similar to NashvilleEd and submitted a support ticket (#3974819) on June 26th. None of the recommendation have worked so far (NI Support Tool, reviewing other NI support pages, DirectX version, Windows Updates, uninstalling/reinstalling, and making every change I can find in my AMD - ATI Radeon HD 5450 (15.7/16.2.1 Beta), etc., etc.)

    I just requested the a copy of the previous version of GR6Pro that did work on my system.

    @Eddie_NI, perhaps you maybe able to follow up with Ross (ticket #3974819) to see if he's been able to figure anything out on this. All other software works fine in standalone and VST modes.

  • Mike N
    Mike N Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I am also having the black screen issue. I am using Windows 10 and the AMD Radeon HD 5450 graphics card. I have updated to the latest drivers from AMD website and reinstalled Guitar Rig 6 Pro using Native Access. Still have the black screen. Other NI products are working fine. Please advise.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    The bug seems to be still under investigation. Since the release of Guitar Rig 6.4.0 the following direct X versions or higher are required: Direct 3D 11.1 (Feature Level 11_0), if you still have a black screen, even with these specs, the only workaround at the moment is to downgrade to the previos version. Here is the installer: GUITAR RIG 6.3.0

  • Hans-Peter
    Hans-Peter Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Hi alltogether!

    I have the same problem with my guitar 6 pro upgrade you just discussed

    My equipment fullfills all the sepecs, you talked about.

    Up to now there seems to be no solution.

    It would be nice to here about a solution in a newsletter.

    Best regards

  • NashvilleEd
    NashvilleEd Member Posts: 13 Member

    This is what I received from Support today regarding this issue (08-15-2023)

    Ross @ NI Today at 09:00

    Hi Ed,


    We have discussed this problem with the Guitar Rig team and the issue you are receiving is due to your Direct X Feature Level.


    Since the latest update, Direct X Feature Level 11.1 is required in addition to Direct X 11.1. The latest version includes many graphical updates which only are available with 11.1


    Unfortunately you are seeing this error due to the limitation of your graphics card which only supports Direct X Feature Level 11.0.


    I apologise for the inconvenience.

    Best regards,

    Ross @ NI

This discussion has been closed.
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