
  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,090 Expert

    I would disagree as one can bring in any sound into Omni and mangle it to perfection. That fits my criteria of "sampler" at least in in parallel of how I would use Kontakt.


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,324 mod

    Yes i never owned or used Omnisphere, what i wrote was what i heard. Obviously wrong. Good to know!

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,033 Expert

    Yeah was gonna say it sounds like something someone would say who has never used Omnisphere. People may get mislead by the fact it offers many presets and in most cases people just flip presets and run with what is there. The interface is also very well designed in the fact it offers basic access to all your common synth/sample controls but then has many, many deep pages to get into and do all the real sound design stuff.

    Nexus sounds good, but just plays a sound and offers the typical basic filter, envelope and arp controls like.

    Halion is very capable but so clunky and fiddly to use these days, just a complex interface and Falcon you need an engineering degree to understand. Kontakt I have always used as just a high end sample library, never bothered to get in and do anything advanced because seems laborious to do.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,226 mod
    edited June 2023

    Yeah Omnisphere is not a rompler by a longshot (and never was) - it's a fully fledged hybrid multi engine synth and sampler. However it is not really along the same lines as Kontakt, Halion or Falcon either, with these samplers it is possible to build complete, complex multi sampled instruments with scripting and multiple articulations, keyswitches etc - it does do sampling but that side of it is much more limited, although still powerful in its own right. Also while Spectrasonics in recent years have released expansions that presumably do utilise some sort of scripting to create a customised front end, that is closed off for users, unlike in the 'big 3'.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,226 mod

    I think Nexus since 4.5 opened up the synth and sound design aspects so it too is more than just a rompler now, but it took a while :)

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod
    edited June 2023

    You cannot load your own multisamples in a single oscillator in Omnisphere (you can load just a single sample), which makes it quite nerfed in that regard. It doesn't compare to what you can do with your own samples in Kontakt, Falcon or HALion. Multisampling with round robin, true legato and whatnot, is reserved only for factory soundsources.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,033 Expert

    Ah, yeah I meant you can load in multi-samples on different parts and layers and assign to zones etc. No it wont do giga-sampled stuff like Kontakt / Halion but TBH who here is multi-sampling instruments and building mega GB libraries?

    In any case,. All this is off topic from what the OP was saying (I assume, CBF to read all that) only that there are other options around if they really want to explore and are that miffed to write an essay on their experiences.

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod

    Yeah it's not even about doing huge GB multisamples, but it is just a tedious workflow to even do relatively basic things, by comparison. It's really a single user sample mangler rather than a sampler in a traditional manner.

  • aka
    aka Member Posts: 69 Member

    I personally do not complain so much about internal KONTAKT features. I simply almost do not use them. Perhaps one or twice I had to strech the sample or make Release longer. My main reson for the overhaould is the GUI. Somebody stating that 4K monitors are not popular is simply seeing the world through one (his own) window. I use my computers for multiple different tasks ansd use $K monitors for about 8+ years, so it is not so new technolofy. I understand some people use their monitors for music only, some use laptops. That's normal and obvious, but if one compares the quality of the KONTAKT and KK GUI to other applications it is very far begind.

    If on top of this one adds a simple factor as age then we end up with a broad range of applications. IF you filter this entire community to people who use 4K monitors, who are 60+ (and their vision is not as shart as 20 yrs old) then you might understand the reason of dissatisfaction.

    Then we can get to a simple little detaild of the interface where some objects placed on the screen poof that the developer has no idea (read: experience or knowledge) how to build usable interface. When I look at 4K screen (or even HD screen) and there is a window with 3 RECORDS - as an opening to the library of 100 000 samples it tells me that this person (developer) is not suited for this job. PERIOD.

    Implementing simple features like GUI customization isn't really so gard to do , even with NI ancient technolofy. Few simple .INI files with lines designated for font colors, background colors, menu colors would do the job.

    If at least I could change the font colors (ie. Active vs Inactive vs Highlighted) to my own taste I would be already much happier. Unfortunately something simple like this has been asked for years and ignorred.

    I personally know more than a dozen music producers of my age who complain about readability. Even the latest iteration of KOMPLETE KONTROL haven't addressed those issues. While Kontakt has at least ZOOM option, KK does not :-(

    I've worked as a developer and designer for over 50yrs and perhaps that is why I have those opinions, because I have learned over the years that the person who is excellend coder most of the time has no skills and taste and knowledge to design usable and efficient interface. That seems to be the case for NI. 20 years ago Kontakt interface would be (at least) sufficient, but it is not today.

    I just purchased entire UVI collection and FALCON GUI comparing to Kontakt is like night and day. I might not have access to so many LIBs but they are growing. At some point I was interested in building LIBs for Kontakt myself but just recently learned that NI uses their own language, while UVI uses what is commonly well known (LUA). People who know basics of programing (C,Java, Python etc) can quickly switch to LUA. If Kontakt would be rebuild it should use more comonly used and accepted scripting to build NI LIBs.

  • mrwitte
    mrwitte Member Posts: 7 Member

    Nothing new to offer - except new libraries is kind of 1 + (-1) = ?

    Libraries are kind of the main point I think. I say Yay New Libraries.

    Scalable interfaces are 100% desirable and I agree everything under the sun should have a scalable interface on a PC. Non-scalable interfaces make me genuinely grumpy. But I have instruments/effects I love using, & I'm not going to toss great tools simply because my eyeballs aren't getting the full effect of 4k. I'm kind of in this for the audio, you know, at least to some extent.

    "Don't like the lack of GUI scalability so it needs to die" is too scorched-earth to make any sense to me. We all get worked up about stuff at times but I don't get it.

  • Simchris
    Simchris Member Posts: 328 Pro

    threads like these should be retired

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 690 Guru

    Not necessarily. There were valid points raised and the comparison with UVI is important.

    Kontakt is the most popular sample player out there and the amount of libraries for it is overwhelming.

    There is simply no viable alternative if one is using ready made patches.

    IMHO, there’s three aspects to Kontakt: audio engine and scripting language (those should be retained for compatibility) and the third one is GUI.

    In regards of GUI, Kontakt should be rewritten from scratch. There’s simply no going forward with those pixelated bitmaps, in my opinion.

  • Simchris
    Simchris Member Posts: 328 Pro

    While I love Falcon, most folks with pre-existing libraries are not going to abandon Kontakt.

    So, suggesting it should be retired is kinda stupid. Not going to happen.

    Might as well as "Windows OS should be retired."

  • aka
    aka Member Posts: 69 Member

    When I said "Kontakt must be retired" I meant its current version. another words we still need KONTAKT (I have tons of Kontakt LIBs) but this program must be rebuild from the ground up. For the 10 recent years NI simply tries to keep alive "patient who is 150years old and cannot even breath on it own, because he is so old". Kontakt is probably the most obsolete piece of software in the entire music industry.

    It has hundred of patches applied to it while the core is rotten and not really functional (or up to the task for the current needs). I started using UVI products 3 months ago and they are way much more robust and advanced. Falcon is amazing huge beast and there tons of LIBs for UVI workstation.

    I am not planning yet to replacing Kontakt with UVI but at least there is some alternative and competition, which is good. NI became rather rude in their interaction with the market thinking they have monopoly on NKS (which at the moment is probably true), but I remeber the time when Yahoo was Nr.1 search on the planet, but not anymore, so I hope they competition might finally change the way NI preceives their flagship orduct.

  • sacer11
    sacer11 Member Posts: 60 Helper

    For me Kontakt 7 needs one minute more to open the damn plugin, while Kontakt 6 takes only two seconds.

    There are not much users experiencing the same problem, maybe it has something to do with the amount of third party plugins.

    but with this experience I prefer Kontakt 6 over Kontakt 7 and I will avoid libraries that are Kontakt 7 only.

    as long as NI can’t fix it, I’ll avoid future NI products.

    they also have stopped development of reaktor 6, so I doubt that NI will do anything new, that other developers can’t compete.

    my most used Kontakt libraries are more than 10 years old and I need native access 1 to activate them.

    i have all Komplete 14 CE libraries installed and I think it’s actually more than I can explore. It’s a total overload, so I am not excited with some more new libraries in Komplete 15.

    And yes, if you compare Kontakt with Falcon and want to go into deep, than you realize that the user interface is 20 years old, there are lot of sample options and effects, but the GUI is no fun at all.

    The new custom user Interface for libraries and browser can also be used with Kontakt Player - so I don’t see any advantage of Kontakt 7

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