Share Battery 4 Presets Across Devices

Clint Goss
Clint Goss Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Battery 4

I frequently switch between my Desktop and two performance-based laptops and have taken (alot of) steps to make the transition smooth across all the tools that I use. I'm scratching my head about how to make this work for User presets in Battery 4 ...

My basic tools for synchronization are Dropbox and file system Junctions in Win10.

Any thoughts / suggestions would be appreciated ...


Best Answer

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,325 mod
    edited June 2023 Answer ✓

    No, they are not hardwired to be stored in C:\Users\clint\Documents\Native Instruments\Battery! Through program options you can select any folder you like as user presets folder. And you can add many custom folders, not just one. Even if in your case is somehow "hardcoded" and you can't change it, then just add a new one and don't use the default. ;-)

    You may also use this simple (and free) program to synchronize automatically anything you want. Just configure the paths you want, then anytime you create new material, it will be copied to different paths of your choice, different hard discs, even different network locations.


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,325 mod
    edited June 2023

    Use custom folder with the same name on both computers and copy them.


    Your presets are on the default location in your documents. Usually at C:\Users\your_name_clint\Documents\Native Instruments\Battery. So, on your second computer you have to use exactly the same user name (in our example, your_name_clint). However, if your laptop has a different user name, this will not work of course. If you have same user name in all your devices, you are good to go!

    But in case you don't, here is what i do, for all libraries and custom presets, in every single instrument (NI, VST's etc) since years. I never use the default location! Instead i have them on a second disc, under: D:\Studio\Native Instruments (or also, Cubase projects, audio samples, libraries from other developers, midi files etc etc, every one in it's own folder). I have second discs everywhere, but in case you don't have, then simply unplug drive from one computer and plug it to the other.

    Then, i do the same on my laptop, or on a new computer etc. In this way, my files are always there, forever (in many cases i don't even have to install them even again).

    It is very easy to synchronize everything like that.

  • Clint Goss
    Clint Goss Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Thank you Sunborn for responding!

    I do have my Native Instruments installed content in the same location on all computers. My issue is with User-produced Kits in Battery 4, which seem hardwired to be stored in C:\Users\clint\Documents\Native Instruments\Battery. That is the real issue.

    It would be pretty messy to set up junctions on all machines inside of my C:\Users\clint\Documents\ folder, and copying user kits between machines whenever I make a new one is what I am trying to avoid.

    I was thinking maybe I missed a way to specify a custom location for my User kits ...

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,325 mod
    edited June 2023 Answer ✓

    No, they are not hardwired to be stored in C:\Users\clint\Documents\Native Instruments\Battery! Through program options you can select any folder you like as user presets folder. And you can add many custom folders, not just one. Even if in your case is somehow "hardcoded" and you can't change it, then just add a new one and don't use the default. ;-)

    You may also use this simple (and free) program to synchronize automatically anything you want. Just configure the paths you want, then anytime you create new material, it will be copied to different paths of your choice, different hard discs, even different network locations.

  • Clint Goss
    Clint Goss Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Got it! Did not realize that locations for User Kits could be expanded. Now I understand ... Thanks for that!!

    I keep everything synched with a combination of directory junctions and Dropbox ...

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