Komplete Kontrol 2.9.3 - Failure to recall instrument and settings in DAW after saving project

djl Member Posts: 15 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

WIN 10 22H2; Cubase Pro 12 v.12.0.60 Build 453; Komplete Audio 2

Just started noticing a repetitive error when opening project files in Cubase regarding Komplete Kontrol instrument tracks. I've duplicated the scenario here:

  1. Open an empty project and insert an instrument track with Komplete Kontrol and assign an instrument and make changes to the instrument setting parameters, (tone, reverb, etc.); (e.g., I've opened Noire selected the patch, "Four Hands").
  2. Save the project.
  3. Close Cubase.
  4. Reopen Cubase and the saved project.
  5. The instrument track is still assigned to Komplete Kontrol, but no sound comes from the instrument.
  6. When opening the Edit Instrument icon, Komplete Kontrol opens and displays Kontakt in the right-pane with NO instrument loaded, and in the browser-pane displays Noire with "Four Hands" and "Four Hands Felt" as instrument banks. (See post below for screenshot of Komplete Kontrol.)
  7. PROBLEM: the instrument and all settings are being discarded (?) or not saved to the project within Komplete Kontrol. This is happening in all my recent projects with Komplete Kontrol 2.9.3.
  8. QUESTION: is this Komplete Kontrol issue or a Cubase issue, or both?
  9. Many thanks!

Best Answer

  • djl
    djl Member Posts: 15 Member
    Answer ✓

    Thank you Jeremy. It seems that the latest Kontakt 7 and Complete Kontrol solved the issue. The best I can determine, if a Cubase project ever had any instance of Kontakt 6 in it, then the problem persisted even if Kontak 7 was loaded. Thanks for the follow up!




  • djl
    djl Member Posts: 15 Member
    edited May 2023

    Screen shot from 6., above.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,232 mod


    i tried with win 11, rest the same, and for me it works like you would expect. What do you see if you click on the button right from the kontakt label on the top left of the window. The one with the three lines one line being off, it's the library switch. And what does it show if you click top right on the native logo?

  • djl
    djl Member Posts: 15 Member

    Thanks Uwe.

    After selecting the library switch:

    And after selecting the Native Instruments logo:

    I hope this helps. Please advise. Thanks!


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,232 mod
    edited May 2023

    Have you tried to open komplete kontrol and kontakt stand alone first? And do you have another DAW/VST host to test if the problem is also there?

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,232 mod

    Here are some guys having the same issue


  • djl
    djl Member Posts: 15 Member
    edited May 2023


    Have you tried to open komplete kontrol and kontakt stand alone first?

    Yes. I always open KK and Kontakt in stand alone after any updates via Native Access.

    And do you have another DAW/VST host to test if the problem is also there?

    No, sorry. I do not have another DAW/VST host.

    I've checked out the thread to the other posts and it seems like there is no resolution yet.

    Please find a screenshot of a latest image when I reload a project with KK, this time with an Analog Dream patch that has been previously selected and saved in project. This time, when toggling the Kontakt Library icon it shows a large vertical black bar.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,232 mod

    Can you try to do it without komplete kontrol, so just load kontakt, save, close then reopen, so then we know if it's kontakt or kk.

  • djl
    djl Member Posts: 15 Member
    edited May 2023


    Thanks for your suggestion.

    Now this is getting a bit strange. I've tried to provide as much detail as possible with three different troubleshooting scenarios.

    1. Opened new empty Cubase project; loaded single instance of Kontakt 7; loaded instrument (Studio Drummer) but with NO PREVIEW SOUNDS (?), and NO AUDIO from instrument channel when patterns are playing (?) - instruments shows output, but Cubase has no audio output being received; saved project, closed project, closed Cubase; Reopened Cubase and project; INSTRUMENT LOADS as saved, but still with no sound output to the DAW.
    2. Opened new empty project; load single instance of Komplete Kontrol; loaded instrument (Studio Drummer) WITH preview sounds as normal, BUT NO AUDIO from instrument channel when patterns are played back (?) - instruments shows output, but Cubase has no audio output being received; saved project, closed project, closed Cubase; Reopened Cubase and project; INSTRUMENT LOADS as saved, but still with no sound output to DAW.
    3. Opened existing project that had multiple instances of Komplete Kontrol; only Studio Drummer properly loaded and had audio output to the DAW; all other instances of KK (about 6 others) failed to load any of their instruments; THEN opened a new Kontakt 7 instrument to duplicate the MIDI onto it from a non-working KK instrument track; saved project; closed Cubase; reopened project in Cubase; the NEW Kontakt 7 instrument and the corresponding "old" Komplete Kontrol instrument now loaded both of their instruments - BUT failed to output any audio the DAW even though I saw audio levels within the instrument being generated when responding to MIDI data; the remaining instances of KK still failed to load their instruments as before.

    As a side note, I've made no updates to Cubase or any other VST instruments or effects from any other vendors before I started seeing this behavior with NI products in Cubase. I only own NI products both software and hardware. The changes only began after updating to the latest KK and KT via NI Access.

  • toscagz
    toscagz Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Hi Uwe/Roger,

    we have raised a ticket a few days ago for the same issue.

    We have submitted data to support and have not heard anything since.

    Our projects are completely blocked - we are having to cancel studio recordings etc. (We would really appreciate help as we invested in this products for professional use).

    This problem started for us since we updated to 2.9.2.

    We have just updated again today to 2.9.3 - still have the same problem.

    We are using 12.0.60 Cubase Ultimate (no other DAWs)

    • Kontakt instruments work and save with the tracks (audio works)
    • Komplete Kontrol lose the instrument (it enough to open Komplete Kontrol from another track - close it - open the original track) - both have lost their instruments

    Anything we can do to get this fixed would really be appreciated.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,232 mod

    Wow this is really strange cause like i said, i don't have this issue. Can you try to add the VST folder as shown here, in my case in this list is also maschine stand alone and all other native products https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/add-an-exclusion-to-windows-security-811816c0-4dfd-af4a-47e4-c301afe13b26#ID0EBF=Windows_10

  • toscagz
    toscagz Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Hi Uwe,

    This is a new project. Add track, Instrument, Komplete Kontrol. Double click on the blue button.

    Chose Ashlight, Acid Rain.

    Recorded a few tones on my keyboard. Plays correctly. Save project. Close.

    Reopen. No tones on the track. Double click on blue button, Ashlight is still there, but all the choices I made are gone.

    When I add a track as Kontakt, it works, so to me it seems to be a Komplete Kontrol issue.

    Please help I cannot work like this, and all my old projects are not working either!


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,232 mod

    Have you tried the suggestion in my last post with adding native programs to exclude them from security scan/blockers

  • djl
    djl Member Posts: 15 Member


    I excluded the following folders per your suggestion:

    C:\Program Files\Native Instruments

    C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Native Instruments

    C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\Native Instruments


    1) All new projects save the instance of Komplete Kontrol, and preview instrument patches, but fail to output any audio via the KK instance to the DAW.

    2) All old projects will have the same issue: empty instances of any KK instrument with patches and plugins.

    Please advise. Thx!

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,232 mod
    edited May 2023

    Can you maybe upload a vubase project, one if you first creating it and the other after reopening it - you can just say uwe, that's my real name.

  • djl
    djl Member Posts: 15 Member

    Thanks, Uwe.

    It seems that the NI chat disallows Cubase .cpr files to upload. Can I send it to you some other way?


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