Massive X - mapping Macros to MIDI controller sliders and knobs

Jim Curtis of Texas
Jim Curtis of Texas Member Posts: 11 Member
edited October 2024 in Massive X & Synths

This works on third-party, non-Kontakt MIDI keyboards or controllers, and Kontakt controllers, obviously.

Download Kontakt Komplete Control, and install on your computer. Launch it.

Go to Preferences and identify and choose your MIDI controller. It should be showing on a list, even if it wasn't made by Native Instruments.

Load Massive X and select (double click) a patch.

Click the MIDI box near the upper right of the interface.

Then you should see a screen showing the macro settings. Click on each macro and wiggle your controller slider or knob. Your slider or knob should now be mapped to that macro after you click the MIDI box again to close the function.

This info is not in the Massive X manual. This has confused many users, including me.



  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,305 mod
    edited May 2023

    That's because this is a Komplete Kontrol function to enable it to work with third party midi controllers (NI's own keyboards are mapped to Massive X in KK without needing this). It isn't possible in Massive X without Komplete Kontrol because the Macros in Massive X are meant to be controlled normally using host automation, not midi cc. However the third party midi mapping capabilities of KK provide a workaround.

  • Jim Curtis of Texas
    Jim Curtis of Texas Member Posts: 11 Member

    I've found that if you can load Komplete Kontrol as a VI in your host DAW, you will need to use it with Massive X as the VI, and not the standalone instance of Massive X, or the macros will be disabled if you have a third party MIDI controller.

    Thanks for your addition, Kymela. I have two rooms for my music production. One has a NI KK keyboard, the other has an Axiom. That was the controller that mystified me as for getting the sliders to control Macros. For various reasons, I hadn't instantiated Massive X in the room with the NI KK keyboard, and did not realize those mappings were automatic.

  • DrWashington
    DrWashington Member Posts: 6 Member

    This is because Native Instruments are abnormally lazy and their product management sucks: I don't have nor do I want any Komplete Kontrol nonsense. I don't want cheap keys. I have my Yamaha Montage I'm using as a master controller which I'm quite happy with. It feels great. I simply want to be able to quickly and easily bind my knobs and sliders to the Massive X controls of my choosing, not necessarily the macros, using INDUSTRY STANDARD right-click MIDI learn.

    Apparently, this is too tall an order for NI and they'd much rather torture me by leaving out an important feature that many musicians such as myself like very much and are quite used to. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". Komplete Kontrol was always an elaborate solution looking for a problem. It's a waste of time from my perspective. I don't want it and I don't need it.


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