How to use Full Kontakt 5 (rather than player 6) in Komplete Kontrol, please?

Bandybum Member Posts: 9 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

Hi there

How to find my Full Kontakt 5, which is currently not showing up, in Komplete Kontrol Instruments browser, please?

(Currently only player 6 showing up)

Note: My graphics card won't run Kontakt 7 player.

Many thanks!

Best Answer

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,994 Expert
    Answer ✓

    This is a known issue (whether NI wants to admit it or not) but as soon as any sign of a "newer" version of Kontakt is installed - the older one is sent to purgatory and cannot be used at all in KK unless you attempt what Uwe is indicating above.

    Even then - this method is painful - I tried this with my perfectly fine K6 (when K7 forced itself onto my machine in 2022) and it was largely unusable in KK loading it this way.

    NI's poor decision of forcing a user to a new version of Kontakt straight (in KK) away simply because it's there - is the worst design I have seen in a long time. And despite any and all suggestions to the contrary - unchecking that checkbox "Always use the latest versions of plugins" does exactly nothing with multiple versions of Kontakt in play.

    KK "should" allow any and ALL versions of Kontakt to load, appear (and behave) as separate entities in KK control at all times. If this was actually done right - one should even be allowed to control K5, K6 and K7 in a single song using a single instance of KK and treat them like any other plugin within the KK space.

    But I believe that Kontakt is so poorly piped into the KK interface that it can only handle one version at a time - hence the hassle factor.

    NI chose to always favor the most recent version and leave us to struggle with any other perfectly working versions of Kontakt we may have installed.



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,684 Expert

    Check how Kontakt 5 is listed in Native Access. Installed, locate,…?

  • Bandybum
    Bandybum Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    Many thanks for your reply 🙂🙋

    K5 Installed and happy as standalone or in DAW, but not accessible via KK browser.

    It is accessible via KK instrument dropdown menu. However any saved KK preset using K5, subsequently tries to open via K6 player.

    In KK options have unticked 'always used latest versions of plugins', however the issue remains.

    Am I missing something? 🤔

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,160 mod


    and if you try it that way:

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,994 Expert
    Answer ✓

    This is a known issue (whether NI wants to admit it or not) but as soon as any sign of a "newer" version of Kontakt is installed - the older one is sent to purgatory and cannot be used at all in KK unless you attempt what Uwe is indicating above.

    Even then - this method is painful - I tried this with my perfectly fine K6 (when K7 forced itself onto my machine in 2022) and it was largely unusable in KK loading it this way.

    NI's poor decision of forcing a user to a new version of Kontakt straight (in KK) away simply because it's there - is the worst design I have seen in a long time. And despite any and all suggestions to the contrary - unchecking that checkbox "Always use the latest versions of plugins" does exactly nothing with multiple versions of Kontakt in play.

    KK "should" allow any and ALL versions of Kontakt to load, appear (and behave) as separate entities in KK control at all times. If this was actually done right - one should even be allowed to control K5, K6 and K7 in a single song using a single instance of KK and treat them like any other plugin within the KK space.

    But I believe that Kontakt is so poorly piped into the KK interface that it can only handle one version at a time - hence the hassle factor.

    NI chose to always favor the most recent version and leave us to struggle with any other perfectly working versions of Kontakt we may have installed.


  • Bandybum
    Bandybum Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    Many thanks Vocalpoint and everybody

    Have simply uninstalled K6 player, which means losing the rather lush play series, but worth it to be able to access my F9 Audio (and other 3rd party) kontakt instruments in K5 again :) Huzzah!!!

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