Komplete Kontrol (software) window resize



  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert
    edited July 2023

    "I am sure that N.I. are aware of the wish for being able to re-size but I also think that they do not consider it crucial despite some people not being happy with it"

    Correct - I am certain they are sick to death of this topic internally - but everyone who is asking for this (especially those wanting to "drag" the right-hand corner of the KK UI and resize it) fail to realize just what is going on inside that Komplete Kontrol UI window.

    Remember that KK is a "container" for hosting a limitless array of VST instruments, FX and other stuff - ALL of which will need to properly "react" to someone wanting to "drag" that right hand corner to resize.

    That means every vendor that has ever created a VST will need every part of their UI (Graphics, buttons, sliders etc) to properly react to each and every "drag" (bigger OR smaller) on the corner of the KK UI.

    Take U-he's Zebra2 for example - when I load that VST into KK - the UI blows up to massive size to try and accommodate the massive UI that Zebra has - and no amount of scaling can fix that. That is one case where I would want to "reduce" the size of the KK window but really cannot.

    So - (with the example above) - if this ever came to pass - I would be truly annoyed if I could only make the KK "window" frame bigger (or smaller) while all the rest of the "stuff" inside that window stays static and unsizable as it is now with Zebra. Ideally I need reduce the size of this window by say 40% - to make it usable - but that's impossible unless U-he rewrites the Zebra UI and that VST is already on its way out as of this writing.

    So, think of this in those terms. Every vendor rewriting "their" UI to be fully flexible AND resizable when used within a KK parent window. That's the challenge to do this right.


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod
    edited July 2023

    Quote : "Every vendor rewriting "their" UI to be fully flexible AND resizable when used within a KK parent window."

    Never going to happen . (referring to as far as present selection of present and made in the past VSTs go) (some vendors might do it in the future - the 'every vendor' of then)

    Quote : "if I could only make the KK "window" frame bigger (or smaller) while all the rest of the "stuff" inside that window stays static and unsizable as it is now with Zebra"

    Might happen...

    But perhaps we will one day see some new Windows tech or programming tech that will allow scaling of individual app/programs/VSTs !? , who knows 1? I am not an OS or graphics programmer but stranger things most likely has happened ...

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert

    Never going to happen.


    It is clear that sticking with this old school design "hosting a third-party plugin UI within another UI" - simply cannot ever be made resizable as NI is always at the mercy of someone else's old school plugin UI design.

    The only way I could ever see a truly flexible "resizable" Komplete Kontrol - that would not only address the new VSTis coming out BUT also allow all these users that want to use some old VST from 2011 happy is to start over from scratch. What that looks like is mind boggling.

    It's a no-win situation really.


  • dasfliege
    dasfliege Member Posts: 3 Member

    It's unacceptable that in a program like Battery it is not even possible anymore to easy browse through samples because the windows isn't able to display all the stuff. Common guys....

  • Suggulent
    Suggulent Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    That's all I want! A way to be able to read the presets. It's a complete disgrace that it was ever considered good enough to release like that, let alone be left like this for so long.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert

    Yep, I hear everyone here. It is like NI listen to everything we say, then open the window, push it all out to its death and decide on a new plan that no one asked for and no one wants. People need to speak up and maybe, just maybe if enough people all point to the same damn thing it might change. It's a stretch of a hope but we can dream of the day things are actually improved.

  • UrbanEric
    UrbanEric Member Posts: 7 Member

    Still no screen resize with KK v3? What the heck.

    Well I guess the "fixed" the UI for Zebra 2 - now everything "fits" in a small window. SO rather than blow up the screen size and rescale, it actually shrinks Zebra down to a size so small it's almost unuseable.

    With KK v3 the presets are like scrambled eggs. Jester warned about this and I am only getting around to checking it out now. It's embarrassingly bad. NI should be ashamed.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,372 mod

    Zebra is still the default size I set it in KK3 for me, not seeing any shrinking any plugin windows on my Mac at least

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,372 mod
    edited October 2023

    The irony is in KK3 you can actually see more samples now in the browser because you can resize the results list, but it's no longer possible to drag and drop them from the browser into Battery cells because NI made it so you can/t see the browser at the same time as the plugin and removed drag and drop. I think we have got across that this was a bad idea though so hopefully it will change.

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