Is Komplete Kontrol the only way to get the full experience in the S88 MK2?



  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert

    I use Ableton Live, no such issues in 6 years so far

  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 471 Pro

    Me either. But I don't use Logic.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,253 Expert
    edited March 2023

    Me either. I use KK with Studio One on Windows PC with a normal HD resolution and my trusty S61 MKII and my workflow is elegant, fast, stable and has made me way more productive than without it.

    While (like others) I would certainly love to see some more fit/finish/polish/development (and a refreshed v3 version of Komplete Kontrol) it works very well for what I need it to do.



  • MyStudioOne
    MyStudioOne Member Posts: 283 Pro

    Chester said..."KK has still made the process of finding a sound and getting ideas to paper 10x faster and more enjoyable than anything in the last 20 years I have tried."

    KK is certainly getting a bit long in the tooth, but I wholeheartedly agree with above.

  • ProfessorChaos
    ProfessorChaos Member Posts: 146 Advisor

    But see, you probably don't hate it because you don't have to zoom in and out, or keep it in another screen at 1080p to use it. You have a 1080p monitor, nothing wrong with that. But most people these days have 4k monitors, which depending on the size, they use like it's a 5k one, meaning 2560x1440 HiDPI.

    I have two 32" 4k that I bought because the two 27" Dells I had, also using them in that mode, made a lot of things too small. But I don't have trouble reading anything in these 32" monitors except that tiny blurry text in Native Instruments software.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,253 Expert
    edited March 2023

    Before we get going - I need to check your comments right of the top about "most people". If I were able to somehow sample (accurately) - all computer users in the world at this moment - I would bet money that most people do not have a 4K monitor - they have what I have - which is a 1080p monitor. And are using what I am using for resolution (1920x1080).

    Now that's out of the way - to your comments....

    On one hand - I get it. We all seem to believe/expect/demand that as soon as "we" get a new toy foisted upon us (Like anyone really needs a 4K/5K/8K desktop computer monitor) that the rest of the world better get a move on and conform to our toy. And when it does not - we complain.

    On the other hand - in the case - this is Kontakt we are talking about - the biggest most useless pot of 1990's source code that any user should ever have to ensure. It is simply not of this time and to make something (that appears to be simple) like bigger fonts or a resizable UI is simply never going to happen without taking all that 90's code, dumping it and starting over.

    As is very clear with the release of Version 7 - Native Instruments is (at this stage anyway) more concerned with profit over development when it comes to Kontakt. Why recode it when it continues to sell?

    I would not hold my breath or type 19 paragraph rants in here on expectations for drastic fixes for 4K etc when it comes to Kontakt.

    Me - I am simply thankful that it runs at all.


  • ProfessorChaos
    ProfessorChaos Member Posts: 146 Advisor

    Some good points. Unfortunately this forum doesn't allow to quote individual selections like, well, 99% of forums out there. If I'm wrong please anyone feel free to correct me.

    "I need to check your comments right of the top about "most people"."

    Sorry, I should've clarified. I mean most people that work in any way in media production, not all the people in the entire world with a computer. But sure, I could be wrong about that. Back in 2019 I was working at a small company where the owner wanted to build a fast multimedia machine for a budget not one cent above $1,500. I started a spreadsheet and went on the new egg and uncle Jeff's website.

    I built him a system that was blazing fast for $1,300 and that left $200 for the monitor. I got the cheapest LG that was being sold at the time, which was $200 and 4K. It looked fantastic. And it was before that dumb decision LG made of painting most of their monitors white, something that recently made me buy two Samsungs when I would have been happy with two of those LGs.

    So it's not too expensive, at least in North America, and I assume Europe, Australia, and all the countries they call "first world" (although I would really hesitate to call the US that), to own 4K monitors, that even if you don't work as a graphic designer or video editor, it still helps a lot with eye strain. Except when you have to deal with NI software.

    "We all seem to believe/expect/demand that as soon as "we" get a new toy foisted upon us (Like anyone really needs a 4K/5K/8K desktop computer monitor) that the rest of the world better get a move on and conform to our toy. And when it does not - we complain."

    Not as soon. I was very clear about that. I'm not ****** about this in 2018, or even 2019, when 4K monitors became so inexpensive anybody could have one. I'm ****** about this in 2023, when NI has had about 6 years to slowly move their code, or rebuild things from scratch.

    And just because you still work with a 1080p monitor, and there's nothing wrong with that, doesn't mean that nobody needs a 4K/5K monitor. Old people like me with eyes that are not that great anymore and prone to headaches caused by having to strain my eyes when something is difficult to read, need 4K, and preferably 5K monitors. 8K, well, those probably cost a fortune, and unless your computer monitor is like 108", I agree, there's no point in that.

  • Larktongue
    Larktongue Member Posts: 3 Member

    For what it’s worth, I agree with Professor Chaos. I have been using complete control (I’m voice texting this, so I’m not gonna go back and change the seas to Kay’s, lol) for about one year now. Everything professor says about the complete control interface is true. Now, however, with the contact seven upgrade, there is a much improved browser! So I am now creating all my tracks in logic pro with a shell of complete control, and then loading contact seven inside complete control. The only drawback to this, is that some of the other vendors, such as Spitfire audio, have their own player now, which will play inside of complete control, but for some of them, it doesn’t work, for example, British drama tool, kit, brass, and reeds.

    Anyway. I hope native instruments reads these things, because professor chaos is not alone in his experience, as anyone who browses YouTube videos regarding complete control will see. Why don’t they just give complete control the same browser as contacts seven? That would be awesome, and then we could actually have all of our NKS libraries under one umbrella. Isn’t that the goal of NKS anyway?

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