Better purging heavy instruments

UdoBehm Member Posts: 86 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

Good day,

could there be a way to better purge instruments, like purging whole articulations of big sampled instruments instead of currently purging everything and starting from scratch what should become loaded into RAM?

Am thinking of purging the articulations only that are not effectively needed in an instrument. Was great if there was an option to only purge them but not the whole instrument itself...

Thank you for improving Kontakt!



  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru

    One nice thing about Abbey Road drums I have, is they shipped with a Full Kit and a Lite Kit which loads at about a third of the foot print.

    If you're solid on the part you've created in your track, I suggest freezing the part. Your project will load way faster and memory will be free.

    That's my alternate to purging, because the few times I tried it didn't work the way I wanted.

  • UdoBehm
    UdoBehm Member Posts: 86 Member

    Good day. I cannot freeze a project in VST Live... No solution for me unfortunately

  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru

    Not a project. A track.

    You have two options in Live from what I have read. 'Freeze' and 'Flatten'. My guess is 'Flatten' is destructive and irreversible, just like flattening a photo document.

  • UdoBehm
    UdoBehm Member Posts: 86 Member

    Yes. Still not using Ableton Live :) I use VST Live :)

  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru
    edited February 2023

    My apologies. I could have sworn I read LIVE in your original post. 😚

    Now I see where my confusion began. So you're just using Kontakt as a realtime tool and not recording with it.

    So the idea behind purging is when recording, Kontakt analyzes your performance and removes samples that aren't being used.

  • UdoBehm
    UdoBehm Member Posts: 86 Member


  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru

    You may not have read my last post since I edited it.

    "So the idea behind purging is when recording, Kontakt analyzes your performance and removes samples that aren't being used."

  • UdoBehm
    UdoBehm Member Posts: 86 Member

    Well. VST Live has a preload function. My PC ran out of RAM when I loaded up too many plugins inside the project..

    Therefore would like to only load the stuff I need. But all velocities of one articulation of an instrument. Since I play the sounds live...

  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru

    OK, a lesson learned for me again. You're using the Memory Server which is only available when using mac.

    I totally forgot about that feature because I never see it in Windows.

  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru

    So you can instruct VST Live to purge sounds from Kontakt?

    I often wondered if people use the big strings instruments live. The VSL in a live situation would probably be sufficient. 90% of your audience certainly wouldn't be able to tell.

    I use to get so concerned with making everything perfect until one of my band members looked at me and said... "you realize most people don't have a clue what is happening on stage. They just want to be entertained."

  • UdoBehm
    UdoBehm Member Posts: 86 Member

    What does VSL mean?

    No, VST Live is not able to purge anything inside a VST. AfaIk only Kontakt offers such a purging function as it also is the synth with the biggest RAM consumption for certain instruments.

    I've seen a video of other manufacturers where you can easily purge complete articulations that you do not need. Wished NI would integrate this in their instruments...

  • UdoBehm
    UdoBehm Member Posts: 86 Member

    I'm not using memory server. Don't know what that is

  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru
    edited February 2023

    VSL = Vienna Symphonic Library.

    It's the library that changed the game for Native Instruments and Kontakt in 2005. It has a small footprint in comparison to the newer string libraries, but still sounds pretty awesome 20 years later.

    Certainly in a live situation it would load in seconds and your undiscerning audience would never know the difference.

    Forget I mentioned Memory Server. I just read that it's irrelevant using 64 bit applications.

    The downside of the VSL are some of the articulations. I modified them to create hard attacking sustains. The Legacy versions are easy to work with, but for some reason NI decided to strip them of 'Perfomance Views'.

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